used rusty water to dillute my H2SO4

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
Hi guys and gals
I have a new issue I was hoping to find a solution to

I am still having filtration problems only this time it is with my aucl ( dont believe this has happened before)
I diluted the bottom portion of my h2so4 with 5x water and filtered through 3 coffee filters
All went fine, dropped filters in hcl added bleach till no more color in filters.

The color was way to dark almost brown and when filtered through a charmin plug would immediately clog up.
I then noticed the water I was using looked very rusty
So I think maybe iron chloride
My stannous turned yellow as gold so I belive its contaminated will have more tonight
Generator broke but will steam tonight

If gold is still in solution than can I cement it out
Or should I drop and dissolution again

If it is already dropped how would I proceed

Ran about 60 of my gold plated chips through my sulfuric cell
I was trying to do more so I did 2 at a time 20 total
Then I did 3 at a time 30 total which I stopped(had 40 set out)due to my cell hitting 100°F.
Now the 30 I did with my generator instead of my truck battery( 12 voltdc plug)
I tested with a meter from start to finish
Output at start was 14 to 15vdc and at finish dropped to 8 to 9 vdc( tested parallel not in series at top off positive clip and stainless pot ground)
Appreciate any comments
Thanks steyr223 rob
Hi Rob, I hope you won't mind too much if I try and learn a little something with you! :mrgreen:
Can you post a photo of your solution?
Also when you said your stannous turned yellow, do you mean the stannous chloride itself, or you got a yellow result when you tested with it?

steyr223 said:
Hi guys and gals
I have a new issue I was hoping to find a solution to

I am still having filtration problems only this time it is with my aucl ( dont believe this has happened before)
I diluted the bottom portion of my h2so4 with 5x water and filtered through 3 coffee filters
All went fine, dropped filters in hcl added bleach till no more color in filters.

The color was way to dark almost brown and when filtered through a charmin plug would immediately clog up.
I then noticed the water I was using looked very rusty
So I think maybe iron chloride
My stannous turned yellow as gold so I belive its contaminated will have more tonight
Generator broke but will steam tonight

If gold is still in solution than can I cement it out
Or should I drop and dissolution again

If it is already dropped how would I proceed

Ran about 60 of my gold plated chips through my sulfuric cell
I was trying to do more so I did 2 at a time 20 total
Then I did 3 at a time 30 total which I stopped(had 40 set out)due to my cell hitting 100°F.
Now the 30 I did with my generator instead of my truck battery( 12 voltdc plug)
I tested with a meter from start to finish
Output at start was 14 to 15vdc and at finish dropped to 8 to 9 vdc( tested parallel not in series at top off positive clip and stainless pot ground)
Appreciate any comments
Thanks steyr223 rob

Pictures would help immensely..

But, i would bet that the gold isnt in solution if stannous test yielded yellow?..

How did you know it was rusty water? Did you just go straight from the tap initially and not notice it? Or was it in a pitcher?

When you say almost brown? What was the primary coloring then? Yellow? Orange? Green? Fuscia?

How much muriatic did you use? How much bleach? Did you remove the filters or dissolve them in solution?

Did it clog with coarse filtering or just fine filter?(coffee filter used or just charmin plug?)

Did you use fiberglass or toilet paper or paper towel?

Think thats all the questions i have now
Sorry guys it seems I can only connect to networks other than the one I pay for metro(they cant figure out why)

:)I used water from a fire hydrant! Ya I know.....
I am also colorblind and it was night as it always is
(People get a little touchy when I use chemicals in the day time)

Used 3 coffe filters for dilluted H2SO4( which I will dispoe of properly)
Used charmin plug for aucl
Dissolved some of the coffee filters but most came out with no color

I apologise for the confusion my stannous turned yellow not tested yellow (it was at least 2 months old and been used everyday multiple times somewhere I must have mixed my stannous dropper for the gold dropper)

By the way I stay away from fine filtering as much as possible, I have learned to barely pack my charmin plug and very little fiberglass is used . I filter multiple times back and forth between 2 containers untill I am satisfied(crystal clear and no salts) much quicker...I do this before and after my steaming off the chlorine

Now I let my solution settle then decided to steam anyways from 600ml to 450ml.
When I finished all the muck was at the bottom
And my solution was perfect.
I decanted leaving the muck to the very last and left it for the night

When all said and done I was going to precipitate and noticed a little salt at the bottom so I filterd again(this has never happend before once filtered to my content it never develops salts again) this is what the second filtering looked like.

I dropped it with 4 grams of smb expected about 5 grams
of gold
No text book like all the other ones that were 3 to 5 grams
It finally dropped after 20min still have color I will test with new stannous in a couple of hours ,
Doesnt look like more than 2 grams
I did not throw anything away
I will post a pic of my filters and the muck when I get my internet back
Thanks to everyone I hope I answered some of your questions
Please feel free to comment,scold,yell or ??
All is welcome and well learned( after 20 or so times)
Thanks steyr223 rob
steyr223 said:
Ran about 60 of my gold plated chips through my sulfuric cell
I was trying to do more so I did 2 at a time 20 total
Then I did 3 at a time 30 total which I stopped(had 40 set out)due to my cell hitting 100°F.
Now the 30 I did with my generator instead of my truck battery( 12 voltdc plug)
I tested with a meter from start to finish
Output at start was 14 to 15vdc and at finish dropped to 8 to 9 vdc( tested parallel not in series at top off positive clip and stainless pot ground)
Appreciate any comments
Thanks steyr223 rob

So, how certain are you there should be 5 grams in it? You need more SMB.. It should be a 1:1, but just a little bit extra incase there is any free chlorine or nitric redissolving the gold.

In the part i quoted you said 60, then 20, plus 30...thats just 50, or did u mean 60+20+30. ...if it was 50 but you meant to do 60..that might be where a bit of your gold is?

Hard to tell, honestly.

And when iron dissolves, sometimes it is yellow like auric chloride, so it may have been a bit of iron in the water that got dissolved when heated. Did the filter directly after that look to have cemented values? Or was there a great surplus of acid to accomodate both.

When you switched your power sources, did the resulting chips look to be completely stripped?

Ive seen a few posts where people have shown their "tailings" from their sulfuric cell, and they are black...which is values. Any of your processed chips holding onto their gold still?

Think thats all i got for now, i may think of another question or two
steyr223 said:
I am also colorblind and it was night as it always is

I thought I remembered reading that before, that's why I wondered about the color of your solution.

The 2nd bit of salt you filtered out is most likely more NaCl from evaporating your solution.

I'm wondering if the contamination in the water may have reduced or trapped some of your values, that could be in the muck you caught in the filters. I'd say incinerate and reprocess and see if you find the rest of your expected values there.

Good luck Rob.
Pic is Iron III Chloride from wiki. I ran into iron alot when using a thin stainless basket that didn't really stand up to H2S04. Water percentage/concentration in the sulfuric will eat stuff up faster as well.
Also, you could have from the beginning taken the coffee filters and folded them up and put them in a beaker with a little sulfuric. Leave it over night. Filters disappear. Decant. HCl/bleach. Filter. Of course, stannous check. Unless that's kind of what you kinda did, wasn't really sure.
I'm colorblind too! I have mowed a lot of blue yards in my lifetime. :mrgreen:



  • Iron(III)_chloride_hexahydrate.jpg
    30.7 KB
When he diluted the sulfuric from his stripping cell with the rusty water, wouldn't the rust particles in the water have been dissolved? Passing through the filter used to recover the powders, and for the most part left behind as an iron sulfate before he dissolved his powders?

acpeacemaker said:
I have mowed a lot of blue yards in my lifetime.

My buddy at work is partially colorblind also, he got a good laugh out of that one!
acpeacemaker said:
Pic is Iron III Chloride from wiki. I ran into iron alot when using a thin stainless basket that didn't really stand up to H2S04. Water percentage/concentration in the sulfuric will eat stuff up faster as well.
And of course, iron is more active than tin. Personally, I would:

1. Buy some water, or hoof tap water out there. At the very least, use it anytime you've already removed base metals.
2. Definitely use good quality water for your stannous, gold rinsing, and gold control solution (that you'll use at least weekly, if not daily, before using your stannous to check anything else). I have good city water, so I rarely use distilled water, but that's just me.

Apologies if you know all this--but at least someone in the audience may not have heard it ;)
Thanks guys
I melted today only about 2 grams
I tested for more au and received no color
But my filters wich I put in hcl show goid prple

I have tested extensively on filters from aucl . I have found that if I run about 100 ml of hcl through them 3 times that they stop testing for gold and so far haven't been able to recover any more when incinerating.
(Same with going from container to container which harold warns against , I have to rinse 3 times)

These things I do sre specific to my situation
And work for me but please resesrch before applying as most are wrong and actually harder.

And as a side note you guys would not belive the amount of copper I refined in the name of gold
My friends wont even give me a yes or no anymore
(They have all been wrong) now I get "it looks brassy or could be"
I think I see the color gold better than most now, it is a trained eye that can see the whole picture.
Thanks steyr223 rob

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