If I am thinking about the person who is selling this product, in a methodical and intelligent way, this is the conclusion I could come to:
niteliteone said:
Why are all those links coming up in German :?:
Could be another clue if the person speaks German.
No ill will towards any German speaking members here.
Checking the OP's ebay, and entering the information in Google, you find that he also maintains a presence on the German version of Ebay:
This isn't the same page as you find on his American Ebay profile page:
If you notice there are no items for sale on his German profile, but are on his US profile
924T said:
Palladium---------the only 3 things I know about this GRF member are that his first name is Bill, the company name
is Rhino Mining, and he's in Pittsburg, PA.
The fact that "Bill" lives in PA has significance. In Pa there live a large community of Amish, who speak a hybrid version of German called Pennsylvania German.
So we could assume, if willing to take this as proof, that Bill speaks German.
There is a Rhino Mining company in South Africa:
Afrikaans is a direct descendant of 17th century Dutch, which is widely spoken in South Africa, and which is also a German language.
The Amish in Pa are also in a large part, Dutch, and their Pa German language is also a derivative of Dutch/German
So now we can assume, if we are willing to, that Bill not only speaks German, but got the idea for his business name from the South African company by the same name, and maybe have some association with someone in South Africa who speaks German, or a flavor of German, or that he is from South Africa, or visited, or any number of other associations.
We can also take a wild guess, and assume that "Bill' is Amish
Which is interesting, because there is in fact, a group of Amish in Pa who are attempting to refine e-waste, gold scrap jewelry and catalytic converters. I have spoken with them through a customer of mine, they were looking for information on refining catalytic converters specifically, but engaged me on refining karat scrap and e-waste as well. They evidently have a fairly large operation going.
So I could, after just a little time looking into the information provided, construe all these things, that the person who posted this piece of equipment for sale is Dutch or German, may have spent time in South Africa or has dealings with people in South Africa, and is Amish.
And even though the proof is leading, and seems fairly solid, all of it could be smoke. Meaning that all of it, part of it or in fact none of it might be true. No matter how convincing the information may seem, it still does not mean any of it is true. It's our choice after learning this information to believe or not believe.
However, either would be wrong even if it were right because there exists no empirical data, there is no actual hard core proof. If you have to choose to believe or not, and have no actual hard evidence, it's wrong morally to choose anything. Guessing and proving a theory is one thing, but alleging anything without evidence is wrong, accusing is wrong.
Anyone with half a brain who is posting anything for sale on ebay, that they claim will refine any type of precious metal would be an incredible idiot NOT to read, and take, information from this forum. As it is probably the single most important repository of information anywhere on the internet, and probably any library or college anywhere in the world. It would be more surprising by far, that someone would NOT use information contained within this forum, in the creation of equipment that allows people to refine precious metals.
I would also expect that same person to WANT to be a member of this forum. They would be mentally constipated if they did not want to be.
They are probably laughing right now as they read this
But even these assumptions could be wrong, and utterly incorrect. It could be someone else who belongs to this forum giving information to someone else so that they get a percentage of the profit. But really, what does it matter? This forum has been made public, and the information available for anyone who can connect to it, to read and learn. Isn't that the entire point?
But what I find highly unlikely is that someone who has their own website, selling their own items, that are not pre-assumbled into a gold refining unit, and extremely reasonably prices, sticking their neck out for anyone selling a cheeseball unit on ebay that is not only way over priced but uses none of the techniques that Steve has written about, or is selling parts for.
I would have a hard time believing Steve would be involved in any scam to start with, but I would also have a hard time believing this even if I didn't know Steve from the forum, and only based this belief on the information readily available. It just doesn't add up, nor does it make any sense.
You can lead people to believe anything, Politicians prove this every time they open their mouth, but in doing so are you serving justice? Or are you only supporting your argument, and only then because you are emotionally attached to your beliefs and strongly desire to be right?