vendors refiners fraud,

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2021
a new type of fraud is seen/ even i am victim of this.
they are actively working on forum
as forum is a place to share knowledge only, and forum is not responsible for any deals, so be carefull everyone especially new users

a group is working here and they sent you a PM and share a number of some persons abd its said to be a house base testing company that have no ligle status or any website.
they talk to you as usually a large refiner or a rich person do. then they share some results and pictures of thier material. and ask you to make a deal of processing.
commonly these ores are osmium base so thier first choice is to use someone who can sacrifice his life for greed

secondly they commonly share things on call, not on text so when you come to find a proof of thier cheating, you will have no proof as in start they baheve very nice so no one can notice to record calls for proof

when they send you material, they give you any problem to pay an amount to realease thier material, after that forget that amount.

after that they will share a basic procedure and ask you to do small process so they are testing, and it will take years and they will said you everytime to do a new procedure. and ship the extract.

after that when you suffer, they will force you to keep things according to thier choices. they will later on force you to do some procedure locally so you can get some cash flow but in actual , they are testing and want you to do test for them in misleading ways.

later on you come to know the results are fake, ores have nearly 70 percent less values than those they share, pics are also for only concentrates.

when you try to force, they will show you some relations to army to pressurise you.

and at end when you get fully stuk, they will quarrel with you, stop responding you. or try to ask you a drama.

especially people in region of asia should be very carefull. they target mostly people from these are. greed is every where and cheaters are every where. so be carefull
What specifically motivated this post? Can you offer any links or evidence of this happening on this forum?
actual motivation is to share something that can be problematic for refining bussiness. i have many evedience but do not want mention by name. or share a record of massages. just simply share and i am not on to proof things. who will not believe will get results
I do not understand why people will not share where they are from. That alone can help us help others. But, like 4metals, I would like to see more proof of this. The only country that I can think of doing this, and it based on limited knowledge of Asia, is Vietnam, where my father lived for 8 years. More information would be nice.
I do not understand why people will not share where they are from. That alone can help us help others. But, like 4metals, I would like to see more proof of this. The only country that I can think of doing this, and it based on limited knowledge of Asia, is Vietnam, where my father lived for 8 years. More information would be nice.
i do not want expose individually anyone. cheaters are everywhere, more knowledgeable countries not mean there are no cheaters. the lavel of fraud from educated people is more dangrous.
i do not know about veitnam. but most asians and africans are decieved on basis of greedy nature of these people.
Are you saying that it is could be possible or did it actually happen to you?

The language barrier is making hard to understand what you wish us to know.

In Vietnam all gold that is not in use as jewelry, electronics or other personal use items is considered as belonging to the government. It is not legal to own free gold such as when we recover it from other items or from mining. How that works in your country may be different.
Are you saying that it is could be possible or did it actually happen to you?

The language barrier is making hard to understand what you wish us to know.

In Vietnam all gold that is not in use as jewelry, electronics or other personal use items is considered as belonging to the government. It is not legal to own free gold such as when we recover it from other items or from mining. How that works in your country may be different.
it actually already been happen, and i know some more victoms of these frauds.

here, in my country, if any one want do work on mine, can get a permit and do whatever he want. and yes a general rule, you can not export metals without govt permission. and this happens,i think, everywhere.
I appreciate you giving us this warning, if you suspect this is happening on this forum in any specific thread, feel free to PM me or any moderator and we will give it full attention and at the same time guarantee you remain anonymous.
I appreciate you giving us this warning, if you suspect this is happening on this forum in any specific thread, feel free to PM me or any moderator and we will give it full attention and at the same time guarantee you remain anonymous.
here are some people who are (i think) paid to search people who are in any ore processing, and they convince people to contact with given numbers.
normally every one want to work and have income. and this greed factor is used to attract people and later on as testing needs are over, the group starts behaving vulger

ah one more thing, when you stuck, they start asking you drama, story maker, non productive. but if you reply with any proof of thier misguidence, or ask them that they are wrong, they make a large issue and on its basis, they stop contqcting you.
even they keep an eye on your every post, ehat you are doing what you are asking what you are sharing.

i hope they will be noticing my posts

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