Vetoquinol Fecal Floatation Liquid: NaNO3 Source

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2012
Hey all,
I was wandering through Walmart today waiting for mama to do her "What's for Dinner" shopping. Searched my phone for NaNO3 at Walmart and the only product to come up was this one.


Vetoquinol MSDS

MSDS shows 1.58Kg NaNO3 per Gallon of Purified Water with an SG of 1.2. So I did some searching on the web for pricing and it seems to be priced better than the dry powder form you can get off of Ebay and cheapest here:


Shipping from this site to my state of WV was 6.99 for a total of a little over $21 per gallon. I'm wondering if this would be a benefit to anyone. I've seen a few posts where the dry powder form of Sodium Nitrate doesn't completely dissolve during certain processing steps. This product would eliminate that problem and could trim a few hours off the Poorman's Nitric Acid steps in LazerSteve's Recipe found here:

Poorman's Nitric Acid Recipe

Although Steve's Recipe calls for Distilled Water, I'm wondering if Purified Water would cause any problems with the recipe. I'm thinking this product could also be available from your local Veterinarian for all the pet lovers out there who know their Vet personally. If anyone has experience with this product, any comments would be appreciated.
After doing some math, this product would only produce about ~16% HNO3 using Steve's Recipe. Sorry about the false info. :oops:
The problem I see is the amount of water involved a gallon is 3,785ml and you only need 100ml for every 170grans of sodium nitrate, you would have to boil off a heck of a lot of water to make a decent strength HNO3, you could boil off enough water to make about 35% HNO3 but it would still require quite a lot of energy in electric or of fuel, and after that cost would it still be cheaper than fertilizer, or stump remover?

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