water lye sloution

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Nov 16, 2008
Last night I pulled some more boards out and soaked in lye water solution.
Some boards had finger on them yet. I figured I would just soak then clean them.
Well there are only a few gold fingers on the boards any more. There is a off color finger on the rest. The color is a off silver dull like.

Did I loose gold into the lye?
I think that your gold is only covered by another metal. I suspect tin could migrate in some way when the NaOH solution reacts with the solder.
Just treat your fingers in the usual way.

If curious, just put a drop of HCl on top of the board to see if the gold appears again.

I've discussed it before in a thread about solder mask removal.
... and I made a couple of stupid remarks in that thread. :lol:

G thanks.
I took the boards out asap.
Set them aside to drip dry before reinsing. I even scraped at the gold to see it they were loose. Nothing.
But low and behold, when they were dry the gold re appeared.
I am good to go. I just wanted to clean the mask off before snapping the fingers. I found that there is gold even under there.
Wanted to get the most out of it.


Did the solder mask come off for you?

It would seem smart to remove it on PCB's with gold traces before you do the fingers, that way both can be done at the same time.

Yes. The mask is being removed.
We have a fertilizer plant her out side of town. I am going to try to get nitric from them. That may not but it is worth a shot. I have to ask friends to see if they know some one who works there to get more pull.

I have been saving some ram memory PCB's that have gold traces on them and I intend to try and remove the solder mask with lye & water.

If I can get them off easily enough, I'll try AP to get the fingers and traces off the boards. Then filter the mask away and dislove the gold in HCL-CL.

I hate seeing the gold there and not having a way to get at it.

Thanks for your reply.
Dick, you will have no problem as that is what I have done also. just use a brush to get it off then.

dick b said:

I have been saving some ram memory PCB's that have gold traces on them and I intend to try and remove the solder mask with lye & water.

If I can get them off easily enough, I'll try AP to get the fingers and traces off the boards. Then filter the mask away and dislove the gold in HCL-CL.

I hate seeing the gold there and not having a way to get at it.

Thanks for your reply.
Well (after trying brake fluid, and it didn't work at all), I covered some gold traced memory board parts with water and added some (about 10% of the water volume) Red Devil Lye. In about 24 hours the water was gray and syrupy thick and all the green mask was off the boards. I had broken the memory sticks into about five or six pieces so they would fit into a mason jar and lie flat. I did swirl it hard from time-to-time, but I don't know if that was necessary. And I don't know if it actually finished sooner, I just checked it after 24 hours by filling it to the top with water (it was only about 1/5 up with the solution) to dilute it, then poured it down the drain, then repeated, etc. But there was no brushing required at all, and they were clean to the bone.

I then soaked them overnight in HCl, and boiled that the next day (I don't know if that was necessary either, but I know from making stannous chloride that tin doesn't go very fast at all in cool HCl), to remove solder so it wouldn't gum up the Aqua Regia.

Here's what I'm wondering, concerning both of the above steps---

I recently read on the forum about using lye and peroxide to "remove tin and lead only." So now I'm wondering if that solution would also remove the mask all at the same time? It mentioned that the stronger peroxide solutions were used for this (which I've read are pretty nasty stuff). If this would work, it would save the extra effort of rinsing and adding HCl, and also it would eliminate the time it takes for the second soak.

Has anyone tried this, or have any idea as to whether it would work?
