Way To Much Info, Someone Help Please

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All I want to do is figure out if it would be feasible for me to process the gold out of CPU and possibly other computer components in my garage as a sort of hobby. I was trying to figure out what I would need to get started and what the most basic (and probably most crude) method would be just to get things going. There is SO much information lying around all over this site that I have no idea where to start. PLEASE HELP ME. :mrgreen:
As a hobby sure, as a full time source of income, not likely with home brew e-scrap.

Read the Guided Tour Link in my signature line below.

Also download a copy of Hokes 'Refining Precious Metals' and start learning.

These two things will give you some background to get started.

I can't believe you guys didnt use Gil's new link for newbies needing help.
would be a pushing and withdrawing vents counter to each other.
A long shelve below the withdrawing one.
Many shallow baths, standing on this shelve and on the ground
will serve as containment spill pallets, where all the work
shuld take place

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