What do i do now cellphone BIG HELP NEEDED

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Active member
Jan 21, 2012
so stripped a cellphone and i have the mother board with all these chips how do i remove those and once i take those off can break the broad into pieces and put it in AR and then cool it at room temp and then put it through a coffee filter and then put smb it it help is needed please help i will love you guys if you can do it please help :?: :shock:
Noxx should charge a consulting fee to those television stations that aired anything about gold in cell phones. :x
gary492 said:
can any one help
You recieved help.The truth is, Jim is as perfectly correct as one could be.If you tried to extract the gold from 1 cell phone board,you would probably not be able to see the gold with the naked eye.You will most likely lose money,meaning it would cost you more to process that 1 board,than you would recover in gold.You need to wait until you have a couple of hundred or more before you try to extract the precious metals.10 pounds would probably be the least I would try.

I will try and help if I can, my methods may be different from other members.

How many pounds of cell phones do you have?

I would open the cases, separate plastic, steel, aluminum, displays, and unsolder useable components, like microphones speakers vibrating motors and any component I can make something out of (although sometimes the microphone may have a drip of gold).

I would also take a hot air gun and remove all components from the board, check switch pads for gold or palladium, the boards I burn off any solder mask, and leach in copper chloride solution, the components are separated by metals as much as possible removing Iron and aluminum, these parts 5that may contain values are collected for incineration and crushing to powder.

They will also be leached of base metals.

If you do not have many pounds of cell phones just break down what you have and store in sandwich bag or coffee cans till you collect enough to work with.
I am sorry if I misunderstood,but his opening post said he stripped "a" cellphone,and had "the" motherboard.My response,(and Jim's) was based on that.
He may only have one, so his sandwich bags will not take up much room.
Gary does need to be clearer on what he has. And some of you guy's who work with these materials could then help him more. I was aware of the points you guys were making.

If many pounds we can talk about leaching them for values.

Only one phone we can play with it learning how to test for values and learn principles.

Gary strip the phones mechanically, read dealing with waste safety section.
And read Hokes book; if I help you with this project you will need to know what I am talking about.

Do not put anything into acids until we discuss this more.
butcher said:
He may only have one, so his sandwich bags will not take up much room.
Gary does need to be clearer on what he has. And some of you guy's who work with these materials could then help him more. I was aware of the points you guys were making.

If many pounds we can talk about leaching them for values.

Only one phone we can play with it learning how to test for values and learn principles.

Gary strip the phones mechanically, read dealing with waste safety section.
And read Hokes book; if I help you with this project you will need to know what I am talking about.

Do not put anything into acids until we discuss this more.

Butcher, he has posted three different threads on this subject, i have read most and the help he is seeking has already been given. I think he is looking for a step-by-step solution. I don't think he is into learning the recovery and refining process, i could be wrong and if i am i do apologize. Just my outlook on this thread.
gary492 said:
but i can put in AR and i will see gold right and i have 1 pond of cellphone boards

NO :!:

If their are still base metals on the boards and you put them in AR you will make a big mess and possibly lose your gold :shock:

Tom C.
jeneje said:
Butcher, he has posted three different threads on this subject, i have read most and the help he is seeking has already been given. I think he is looking for a step-by-step solution. I don't think he is into learning the recovery and refining process
I just looked,and I found 5 threads that you have started,asking basically the same thing,and have been given a lot of advice.It is difficult to offer help to someone,when they refuse listen to the help that has already been given.
Hello all , how are tricks?
I hope all is well!

gary492 said:
but i can put in AR and i will see gold right and i have 1 pond of cellphone boards

kuma said:
Have you yet considered how your going to recover your gold when it vanishes into your ( now dirty ) ar solution ?

If you place your boards into aqua regia , you will no longer see any visible metalic gold.
Aqua regia will dissolve gold , it won't leave you with gold foils.
If your serious about this chief you'll really need to study some before getting your hands dirty.
I feel I should add that this can be as safe a hobby for you as you would like to make it , but without studying and fully understanding the potential dangers of messing up with the wrong chemicals , your walking blind and potentially setting yourself up for somthing far worse than the headache that I first envisaged .

philddreamer said:
I've been asking myself, just how old is Gary? :roll:

Now you've got me thinking , :roll:
All the best with it , stay safe and kind regards ,
Ya I'm 19 and so how would I get the gold from the cellphones and thanxs for all the advice
gary492 said:
Ya I'm 19 and so how would I get the gold from the cellphones and thanxs for all the advice
Gary, I'm going to lay it out for you. First you need to download CM Hoke book on refining. Second, put up the cellphones and READ THE BOOK. Third, Use the Search Function at the top of the page and read the information on your subject. And finally AR is not what you need to do to the boards. Mixing chemicals can be dangerious, If mixed wrong they can and will KILL YOU. My advice to you - learn about what you are trying to do.
jeneje said:
gary492 said:
Ya I'm 19 and so how would I get the gold from the cellphones and thanxs for all the advice
Gary, I'm going to lay it out for you. First you need to download CM Hoke book on refining. Second, put up the cellphones and READ THE BOOK. Third, Use the Search Function at the top of the page and read the information on your subject. And finally AR is not what you need to do to the boards. Mixing chemicals can be dangerious, If mixed wrong they can and will KILL YOU. My advice to you - learn about what you are trying to do.
He offers sane advice. Listen to him.

You can learn this, but it will take a lot of homework, it is not something I can just say do steps 1. 2. and 3. And get gold.
There is much you will need to learn. But you will have to be serious enough to do the homework, and be willing to spend a lot of time on it studying. All of the guy's here can help, but no one can just give you the knowledge, that has to be earned by you. I know you can learn this if you really want to, I also know we can help, but you have to really want to do this, you will also have to do what the members tell you to do, and otherwise you will be left behind while we teach those serious enough to spend time studying and following directions.

you have been told to put up the Phones, download Hoke’s Book, and begin to learn, ask questions as you need to if there is something in Hoke’s Book you do not understand.

collect your scrap material, later when you get some understanding under your belt from reading Hoke's we can do some of the experiments, we can walk you through them, but without you understanding Hoke's book we will not get there.

You can learn anything, or do anything if you want to bad enough and do not give up and be willing to work hard for it.

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