What does DMG stand for

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
North Carolina
Warning Noob Content as follows :)
I used the search function and found lots of metions of DMG but nothing defining the acro or how to make it :shock:

What does DMG stand for?
What is it?
How would one make it?
wop1969 said:
What does DMG stand for?
What is it?
In layman terms-----it is a chemical compound that is used as an indicator, or it can be used as a precipitant for palladium, although that is not a recommended practice.
How would one make it?
I didn't. I bought the compound, then dissolved it in distilled water. I have since learned that it can be readily dissolved in alcohol, then water added.

DMG is very useful to the refiner. It is a method of determining the presence of palladium in solution when there may be multiple elements combined. It is also an excellent method of determining the presence of nickel, for those times when you may not know with certainty if a solution is nickel or copper.

Hoke talks about DMG.

DMG is short for dimethylglyoxime.

It is used to test for Palladium in solution.

There is a video of the test procedure on my website:


Click on the Show link next to 'Palladium' in the videos section.

Thank's Guys, Steve the video on DMG did wonders, I guess I missed it while watching them the oother day.

With that said (Steve) I want to tell you that all your vids are excellent!!!
Keep up the great work...

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