what does muriatic and smb make

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2011
Fullerton ,California. usa
Ok I was just going to toss this to avoid being tarred and feathered or butcherd :lol:
But then I learn nothing.. with that said bring on the critisism. Sometimes I think I have alzheimer's as a after thought I don't understand my action I am most p :wink:
ositive that I have read on this form if you soak your boards in hydrochloric you can depopulate easily. So I did and all the gold came. Off too. I filtered, no gold I thought I read muriatic can pull an oxygen atom out of the air to put gold into solutions.
Long story short I through some stump out In just a sprinkle :idea:



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Muriatic / peroxide
Filter wash multiple times to include hot acid washes.
And incineration depending on situation
Muriatic / bleach
wait till no more bleach
Smb a teaspoon at a time untill odor
Wash brown powder
Let dry
I know the process I don't k ow why I did this
You wrote your last reply before I could post this,but here is my reply to the first post.
Muriatic can dissolve gold,if enough oxygen is introduced.However you would need to introduce a lot of oxygen yourself,usually with a mechanical aid,or dump an overabundance of peroxide into the mix.But unless you are dumping large quantities of concentrated (I use 35%) peroxide in,you will most likely not see a difference in yields.The peroxide purchased at most department,and drug stores,is only 3%.We had one member that stated that, he routinely dissolved gold in nothing more than Hcl,with the assistance of a stir plate. But looking at that picture,it looks like you have precipitated gold.If that is true,then you did disolve your gold,and the SMB(stump out) precipitated it.
I want to warn you,you will get feedback from other membersfor using acid to depopulate the boards.Just letting you know.
This is my reply to the second post.
You are incorrect in some of your procedures,and they are in the wrong order.
Muriatic /peroxide
muriatic/bleach----Add a very small amount of bleach,and give it time to dissolve the foils! If it does not dissolve all of them,add another very small amount!
filter well ----make sure to pour water onto the filter when done filtering the auric chloride,as to rinse any added gold out of the filter,let sit over night,or heat on low for an hour(DO NOT BOIL)
Test with stannous!
If positive-Add a very small amount of SMB,stir and observe results.If the solution stays clear,add a little more until it turns cloudy,let the powder settle.
Test with stannous!
If positive,add a little more smb and stir well,let settle,and test again.
If negative,decant and wash extremely well.........or better yet,redisolve,filter,and precipitate,repeat twice.
Decant,let dry,melt

If you disolved everything right off of the boards,then most likey your gold is very dirty,hence the added washing.
mic how are you
i finely have access to a pc

understand befor anything else is said.
i let the boards set for only 16 hrs and the container was sealed with sides pushed in to allow for any pressure built up
now the container i believe had held hydraulic fluid, i washed with simple green and watered down heavly
also the procedure did not work as the boards were still populated other than a spoon full of micro resisters,diodes,some plastic pieces
which i had already filtered these out.
when i put in the smb the muriatic was completely clear until a poured into bucket , before the pour finished it turned this color
also other than learning and educational purposes this batch was small and does not require a lot of attention, the gold i speak of came from about 25 boards 3" x 2" with a good amount of dots the size of the * above the #8 key on your keyboard

it is interesting to me though that i only used maybe a 1/4gram of stump out and the oder was heavy

so anyways mic in your post im not sure if you think i did any of the processes you layed out which i appreciate thanks
but just to be clear i put stump out into muriatic thats it no bleach no peroxide and really nothing to wash yet
this is a lot of muriatic 1.2 gallons
so from here i would let settle test if + add more smb untill neg

o i wont be using acid to depopulate boards anymore i had no idea it was frowned upon.Is this the reason

thanks steyr223

ps i sure hope harold is in a good mood :oops:
steyr223 said:
ps i sure hope harold is in a good mood
Harold is ALWAYS in a good mood.......as long as everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing.

steyr223 said:
mic how are you
I am fine,and glad to see you are running full speed again on the computer situation.
Unfortunately I cannot stay long right now,I am,dropping,neutralizing,and disposing today.I am just coming in periodically to make sure everything is ok.Of course other members can help you with this,and if not I'll take care of it later on.
i am no chemist by any means and cant tell you why,but for some reason when you put gold plated boards (even clean fingers) in pure muriatic acid and let stand for some time, the gold traces will look like bare copper. i don't know if its copper or a small layer of some other oxide plated on to gold surface but after rinsing the look of the traces can be misleading and im sure this is true with gold plated pins as well.it takes vigorous rubbing to make the gold color re-appear.could this be what happened to the boards or are you very sure the gold was removed?
Yeah I was thinking the same thing that's probly exactly what happend
I will check I
Also my solution went back to clear again
there's definitely a powder in the bottom but I think it's tin
What does Muriatic acid and SMB make?
HCl + Na2S2O5 ---> 2NaCl + H2O +SO2 (gas)

The problem is not what the HCl and sodium meta-bisulfite makes, the salt formed is no problem the water formed is no problem and the sulfur dioxide gas is not a problem if your solution only had dissolved gold.

steyr223, the problem to me sounds like you just "Butchered your gold", it sounds to me like you had dissolved base metals and some un-dissolved base metals and some un-dissolved gold fine powders and the dissolved some of the gold into solution and just made one big mess and then tried to precipitate this colloidal mess by adding SMB.

As you are learning now why we keep saying remove solder and tin and other base metals before you try and dissolve gold, we are just trying to explain how things will work and how they will not work. Or you can continue to try things your way and continue to "Butchered" your gold and ask for help to get out of the mess you made. (ok I just had to Butcher you some, that’s enough, lets see if I can help now).

There are several ways you could recover the gold, and without being there and seeing exact circumstances, it is harder to give advice, so my advice is given from what little I understand you have.

Well from pictures and description I am not sure what you have, but let’s just say for the fun of it that you have some very fine gold powders (un-dissolved and possible dissolved gold) and tin, and heavy copper and base metals in solution, maybe even traces of gold that tried to dissolve.

And you cannot get it to precipitate.

I will not tar and feather or butchered you, but it looks like you butchered that batch.

Let just act like it is a colloid.

In casserole dish on hot plate, add a little sulfuric acid (we just want to get acidity up), a copper bus bar and boil it good remove copper bar brushing off anything that cements onto bar off into solution, rinse bar, and put in plastic bag for use later, let solution cool and sit overnight, decant solution (suction bulb), from any powders (filter this solution, it may be slow because of tin) we will treat solution after the powders. add just enough water to cover powder, add a little bit of sodium hydroxide and stir we want to try and get pH close to neutral, if you do not have a pH meter or test papers try and get water fairly clear (not enough hydroxide your copper will color solution, close to neutral will clear, too much hydroxides and solution will get color again with base metals hydroxides), warm up solution and stir well, then add a little more water and let powders settle, siphon off this salt water, and add more water repeat at least two more washes, after removing salt water last time let powders dry, do not raise heat to where it bubbles and splashes, as it dries you may raise heat some, we want to eventually get the powders dry and crush them cook at high heat until no more smoke, then get them glowing red hot with propane torch (careful not to blow powder out of dish) heat red hot stirring them now and then (we are trying to drive out the acids, and oxidize the base metals like tin), let cool with lid, after cool I will spray them with fine mist of water just to wet and wash powder on side of dish down, cover with HCl and raise heat slowly till low boil. dilute a little with water (not too much), lower heat under boil but keep hot, and let powders settle well, then decant solution, rinse powders with hot water (just under boil but let them settle), until water comes off clear, (the HCl wash will help to remove tin as chloride, and copper chloride, the hot water washes will also help to remove lead chloride, you may see lead form crystals when it cools again, we have now cleaned up the powders considerably (depending how much base metals you had in these powders you may need to repeat the above washes, the colors of solutions can be a clue to what you have.

once the powders are fairly cleaned of base metals and the tin the problem, (I normally do a nitric acid wash), if you do not have nitric acid) you may try the acid peroxide on powders to see if you get copper into solution or if it just stays black to brown powders of gold and then you can dissolve the gold powders and treat them as you normally would.

The solution we will test with stannous chloride for values, and treat accordingly, if values in solution we may need to add back the copper bar and concentrate to get gold to cement, if no values treat as waste.

There are other methods to deal with this solution and what kind of mess it is will usually determine the action taken.

But it is best not to butchered you’re your gold and create this kind of mess, it is much easier to take the proper steps to begin with than to waste your time trying to save your gold from the mess you make.

Sorry about that did not mean to tar and feather you today, guess I just can not help myself.
Thanks it might help if I didn't set myself up
to be tarred. And feathered :lol

Thanks butcher
I really wasn't trying to do things my way I didn't
Know it was frowned upon to depopulate with acid and as far as the smb I kinda blanked
I can't tell u why cause I don't know
in my head I'm not even close to smb process as
I still need about 60 more grams
I will do what you stated above
Thanks steyr223
Just a bit of trivia to ponder; Modern muriatic acid plants make the acid by channeling chlorine to a point where hydrogen meets and ignites the two gases by ultra-violet light. The vapors from the flame are directed into water making hydrochloric acid. Sometimes, not often, the chlorine exceeds the hydrogen and chlorine is introduced into the acid in small amounts. They take care normally to err on the hydrogen side ever so slightly. On occasion, it's the chlorine that is in excess. They don't care too much since its not sold as reagent grade, but sold as brick cleaner by hardware stores. Just something to ponder. :| Dr. Poe
arthur kierski,
Well I make a lot of messes (in my recovery) so I need to learn to clean them up.

I do not post some of the ways, I reuse my used solutions over and over, before they finally become waste, it would just be too hard to explain, or too easy for someone to loose values doing it.

Actually there are many ways to deal with these messes, and each mess may need a different approach, but unless your the one who made the mess, and understand what all you have, it is almost impossible for me to tell someone how to deal with it (which method or step to take), it is much better to understand the principles involved and then pick a method to deal with it from there.

In realty it is just better not to make the mess to begin with.

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