What is actually formed

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I was just wondering what was actually formed when 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution is added to 31% HCl solution. How dangerous are the fumes that actually come off of this. Thanks Movegas

The acid peroxide method should really be called the copper II chloride method as this is the real 'active ingredient'. The peroxide aids the acid in attacking the copper which results in copper II chloride. This copper II chloride then attacks more copper and the cycle repeats.

The main fumes are hydrochloric acid vapors.

If you read the copper chloride document on my website it will explain all the chemistry involved.

Hey thanks Steve..that was really helpful.

So is the Hydrochloric acid vapors fairly dangerous to breath.

But does trace amounts of Au dissolve into the CuCl?

Yes a very small amount of gold does initially dissolve in the AP mix due to
the action of H2O2 and HCl on the thin gold foils.

This dissolved gold will self precipitate via cementing as the copper levels in the solution increase. This is why it is important to go very easy on the peroxide as it is the cause of the dissolved gold. In fact after the initial copper II chloride is formed you can use an air bubbler to supply the required oxygen instead of peroxide. This will minimize the amount of gold dissolved by the solution.

It's not wise to breath any acid vapors. The fumes from the AP solution are actually not as bad as the vapors that emit off of the jug of HCl when it is being decanted. The real issue I've seen with AP vapors is the slow corrosion of nearby metal objects.

I see...very interesting. I am getting into hokes book now and can't seem to put it down, lol. Your videos are also a great help to a new comer to the hobby like myself. Also i have acquired a large amount of gold plated scap, neclaces, bracelets etc.. I would assume that the cell demonstrated on your videos would be the way to go for these such items. Do you have any data of yeilds on such items.

Thanks Movegas