When I ran CPU's, I received them mixed in 30 gallon barrels. The average value for the all gold ones, at about a $300 market, was $28/#. If I remember right, there were about 20 pieces/#.
The all gold side braze packages are quite valuable. They come in purple or white. With all gold lids, they can run $250/#, for the smaller ones. The common 40 leads can run $125/#.
At the bottom - unsealed and untrimmed:
40 lead sealed and leads trimmed - about $125/#
18 lead - about $225/#
If you run into these soldered on a board, you won't lose much by prying or cutting them off.
I knew a guy in Houston that had 30-40 CPU's, of different types, assayed. It cost him $100 per assay from a lab in California.
It's very difficult, but possible, to get all of the gold off of CPU's that have Au/Si under the chip. It takes real aqua regia, hot.