What is the best ozone generator to use?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
Rock Island
Since I'm endeavoring to get up to speed on passive stripping systems, and since the 3 I'm looking at
all work best with periodic injections of H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide, and since I have a penchant for
planning for low, medium and high volumes of activity,

I'm seeing making repeated trips to the store to buy bottles of H2O2 as being cost inefficient, both from
a time and money point of view.

Thus, it's time to evaluate using an Ozone generator, which I think would supply more Oxygen than either
H2O2 or an array of aquarium air bubblers.

So, does anybody on the forum have experience using an Ozone generator, and, if so, what recommendations
would you make to me?

Investing in an Ozone generator would be a greater outlay of cash up front than using bottled H2O2, but in
the medium to long term would represent a considerable savings.


Might want to research the health affects of being in the proximity of the type of ozone generator you want to buy.
After my house fire the cleaning company used an Ozone Generator system to kill all the smoke residue they were unable to clean out of undamaged parts of my house.
It will kill anything in the room as it did in my house, even the fish in my aquarium died. That extra oxygen atom really changes things in the long run.

Killed your fish?

I would have thought the cleanup company would have been aware of the biological hazards........

All I know about Ozone is that it's O3, and is unstable, breaking down in about 20 minutes, and that it
accounts for the clean air smell after a lightning storm.

It sounds like maybe I'd have to use a fume hood to evacuate any Ozone that isn't absorbed into solution?

There might be something that would cause Ozone to decompose upon contact------that would be much more
practical for me than a fume hood----------the wife won't let me punch a hole in the garage roof to vent fumes,
which is severely limiting my options.

Doggoned sorry to hear about your fish, though. Nobody likes to lose their pets.

I've got a Great Dane that's hell on cats, eats like you'd expect. and is a real prankster.


924T said:
All I know about Ozone is that it's O3, and is unstable, breaking down in about 20 minutes, and that it
accounts for the clean air smell after a lightning storm.
The other thing you need to know for your intended purpose - Ozone "generators" don't actually concentrate oxygen in the output, they just use either electricity (corona on a HV wire) or UVC to coax a small fraction of ordinary O2 into rearranging themselves.

Though yes, ozone doesn't do life on Earth a lot of good - We measure it as a pollutant in parts per MILLION for a reason. :(
I regularly use colloidal Silver, and have always had good results with it.

What I'm trying to figure out now, having gotten 2 strong cautionary responses about Ozone,
is how Ozonated water can be safe to ingest? There are quite a few people out there that use
it, and it's been recommended to me, but I haven't tried it yet.

I was actually speculating that a small water Ozonating machine might kick out just enough Ozone
to use for a passive stripping system.

If it turns out that ozone is simply too risky to use safely, then I'll just go with multiple air bubblers.

If that's the case, I wonder how many liters of air per minute one would need to bubble through a passive
stripping solution to equal the (unquantified, that I've seen so far) small amount of H2O2 that is recommended to be added

All I know about 3% H2O2 at this point is that 1 ml. of it puts out 20 ml. of Oxygen.


i use an O2 concentrator used in medical oxygen therapy. i posted this in another thread somewhere, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen_concentrator

The other interesting thing about ozone is how hard it is on copper pipes. We looked at installing an ozone generator in the water system I operate for the dual purpose of killing pathogens and oxidizing high levels of iron and manganese in the water from a prospective well. We were told, by the health authority, that all ozone had to be destroyed before the water was delivered to the first customer on the line. It was fairly simple to destroy the ozone; the water merely had to be passed through an ultraviolet disinfection chamber where the UV rays would render the triatomic ozone back to diatomic (O2) oxygen.
Why not use an air pump and air stone, wouldn't that get enough in the solution? Or were you looking for more zip.

As for drinking water with extra O, hasn't it been shown that free radical O causes some cancers?

I'll take my O natural thanks.
Ozone has the oxidation potential to put gold into solution with hcl. Look in my scribd link below and use the search bar for my documents and you will find many articles i have in my libary.
924T said:
What I'm trying to figure out now, having gotten 2 strong cautionary responses about Ozone,
is how Ozonated water can be safe to ingest?
Three reasons...

First, ozone treated water doesn't still have (much) ozone in it. The ozone rips apart (going back to that "oxidative damage" when it happens inside the human body) any larger molecules in the water - including whole bacteria - and then over an hour or two outgasses or converts back to relatively harmless O2.

Second, because while highly soluble in water, you still have concentrations measured in micrograms of ozone per gram of water.

And finally - Adding it to a strongly acidic environment (ie, the stomach) pretty much instantly destroys all the ozone, ironically enough making this "therapy" more-or-less safe. By comparison, you could get a much much higher blood saturation of ozone by inhaling it. Except, no one does that because it would actually do what the hoaxsters claim as their goal, thereby causing considerable damage to your lungs, stress on your entire CV system, and oxidative damage to every cell in your body.

/ But how do I really feel? :lol:

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