What is the exact process for refining scrap gold?

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New member
Oct 29, 2012
So me and my friend are very interested in precious metals and wanted to try refining some 14k jewelry and electronic scrap. We talked to our senior high chemistry teacher and she said it would be fun and she would like to help us. So we said that we would use Nitric and Hydrochloric acid. She then proceeded to say since those are pretty dangerous acids we would need a detailed step by step plan with measurements, temperatures, percentages etc. to start. Except me and my friend have scoured the internet and we have not found any really solid information.

So my question is to you, what is the step by step process for refining scrap gold?

please go into as much detail as possible, and make it almost too informative. I have a basic idea of the process but I need the particulars if she is going to let me execute our plan.

Thanks for any help!

Seek and Ye shall find. The search function is your friend. All of it has already been discussed here ad-nauseam.

Read Hoke

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You obviously haven't scoured this portion of the internet (this forum) because everything you possibly would ever need to know is here, already written, in duplication, in great detail. You and your friend should first spend a few weeks searching, studying, and reading. Then you will be able to ask specific questions about things you don't fully understand.
Reading hokes book is a must, also you might want to look into finding someone in yoru area that can assay what you recover if you plan on selling it, you will find that your average cash for gold place will just laugh at you, at least thats what I have ran into where i am,
Were I you, I would concentrate on the karat gold and forget about the electronic scrap, at least for now.

All of the information you need has already been written many times, in great detail, on this forum. All you have to do is search for it. I would hope that the "pros" don't give you any information until you've proven that you've made a good attempt to find this information and study it before asking questions.

This is not a we'll-hold-your-hand forum. We have written up these processes in great detail, over and over, time and time again. We're just not going to do it any more. You are certainly welcome but you have to do all of the leg work.

If you truly want to learn this, the absolute first thing you should do is download and read this book by C.M.Hoke. After you have read it, we'll talk.
You know when i was a kid i can still remember when and what it was that sparked my interest in science. Even though at the time i didn't understand what was really happening in front of me i knew it was cool and that's what i wanted to learn. I kind of think that might be where these guys are coming from, not sure. If i'm thinking right what he might be referring to is something like a lesson plan so that the teacher as well as the student can follow it and understand from paper as well as visual.

Are you trying to do this as a lesson of some sort because you are somewhat interested in the science or are you trying to pursue a hobby or something more in this field of study? How old are you and your friend?
After you read Hokes, you will begin to see this is a vast subject with many variables, Hokes also makes it sound more easy than it really is, and She does not go into much detail about all of the dangers involved, to learn the whole subject can take years of research and I do not think a any man will live enough years to learn it all.

After you read Hoke's book, we could write a post on how to do an experiment that is related to refining (like dissolving sterling silver and cementing it, then melting it, or making silver chloride, which is a great learning tool, another good experiment would be testing for gold in solution).

But to write in a post (or even hundreds of pages) how to recover and refine the metals can take many books, and even then there are skills that must be learned which will not come from the book.

If you and your friend want to learn how to recover and refine gold and the other metals, the only way to do that is to be committed and study the forum, The forum is a great tool to use to learn, this is a very Vast and interesting subject and is easy to study when you have such a great tool as the forum and its related materials (like Hoke's book) at hand, and as long as you are interested, and are not too lazy to use the tool, you can learn more than you think.

Your teacher can also use a portion of this to get other students interested in chemistry (like the silver experiment, or testing for gold in solution).

You can do anything you set your mind to, if you really want to, and you do not give up, before you accomplish it, it may not always be easy, but then again, it also would not be as rewarding if it was too easy.
RRYD said:
So my question is to you, what is the step by step process for refining scrap gold?
Sorry GSP, I just have to help this guy...

1. Read through the forum and look at which types of scrap people collect and what to group together.
2. Collect some scrap and continue while going through the next steps.
3. Read up on safety procedures, study the forum.
4. Pick one type of scrap, study Hoke and the forum until you have a good grip of what to do with it.
5. Select one method to process your scrap, study Hoke and the forum, especially safety instructions.
6. Get the required chemicals, labware and safety equipment and set up an area to refine in a safe place. Safe for you, people around and the environment.
7. Learn how to test solutions for gold with stannous chloride. If / when you ask for help the first thing people are going to ask is "Have you tested your solutions?".
8. Now you'r ready to refine. Follow one method for one type of scrap, no shortcuts, no panic and no rush. If you get into trouble just take a pause. Your gold isn't going anywhere and you have time to search for answers on the forum and in Hoke, if you don't find any answers then ask for help, describing every step in detail that you have done. Take notes for every step you do so you know what's been done.
9. Take your refined gold and melt it into a button.
10. Take a picture and upload in the gallery section and be the envy of every newbie on the forum. :mrgreen:

Oh yes, I almost forgot, study Hoke and the forum, best advice I have.

invest in some test tubes, to try out the diffrent processes, I learned the hard way and tried to start way to big, dont go that route, read Hokes book and try to make you learning curve as gradual as possible so you dont feel like you hit a brick wall, this is not a get rich quick and easy scheme, but a skill that when done right will provide enjoyment and profit, for years to come
g_axelsson said:
RRYD said:
So my question is to you, what is the step by step process for refining scrap gold?
Sorry GSP, I just have to help this guy...

1. Read through the forum and look at which types of scrap people collect and what to group together.
2. Collect some scrap and continue while going through the next steps.
3. Read up on safety procedures, study the forum.
4. Pick one type of scrap, study Hoke and the forum until you have a good grip of what to do with it.
5. Select one method to process your scrap, study Hoke and the forum, especially safety instructions.
6. Get the required chemicals, labware and safety equipment and set up an area to refine in a safe place. Safe for you, people around and the environment.
7. Learn how to test solutions for gold with stannous chloride. If / when you ask for help the first thing people are going to ask is "Have you tested your solutions?".
8. Now you'r ready to refine. Follow one method for one type of scrap, no shortcuts, no panic and no rush. If you get into trouble just take a pause. Your gold isn't going anywhere and you have time to search for answers on the forum and in Hoke, if you don't find any answers then ask for help, describing every step in detail that you have done. Take notes for every step you do so you know what's been done.
9. Take your refined gold and melt it into a button.
10. Take a picture and upload in the gallery section and be the envy of every newbie on the forum. :mrgreen:

Oh yes, I almost forgot, study Hoke and the forum, best advice I have.


Good stuff right there. I am taking it easy building my stash and reading reading reading. I thought I was going to just jump right in a get the gold but so far the learning/studying part has been most entertaining and beneficial. I like the part about selecting your method. This is the #1 place to learn the secrets that the world wants to know.

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