what to use

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New member
Feb 13, 2010
can someone tell me what chemicals i will need and where i can get them? i have looked on the internet and seem people use different chemicals and get the same results. also can someone tell me the steps?
It is going to depend on what you are processing. That will dictate what you use to process. If you can give an idea on what you are trying to do there are a lot of people here to help and answer questions.
Almost everything you need to know about material,processes,and safety can be found in hokes book. http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/download/file.php?id=2480
Take some time and read it,become familiar with what you want to do and how you plan on doing it.
After you are done familiarizing yourself with it,take some more time researching the forum.Almost any question you will have has already been answered by one of us here.Here is a small list of where to get what.
Go here, click on the links that lazersteve gives and start reading. These links will specifically answer all your questions, 100 times over:


Use the link that leavemealone gave above and download the Hoke book - the download is free. Although it is mainly for jewelry scrap, it is the best source for learning the basics of working with many of the chemicals.

Your questions are way too broad. Do some reading and then you will have more specific questions. There are no shortcuts to learning this and everyone has to go through it. I know it seems overwhelming but, if you first spend a week, or two, reading, you'll soon catch on.

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