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Non-Chemical When to clean cell

Gold Refining Forum

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Mar 28, 2007
Lawton O.K.
when do I no when it is time to clean my cell .My cell is takeing a long time to take the gold off now but it dont look as bad as steve's do on the top layer but bottom layer is real full looking
taborc said:
when do I no when it is time to clean my cell .My cell is takeing a long time to take the gold off now but it dont look as bad as steve's do on the top layer but bottom layer is real full looking

Going real real slow now and real thick dark black !!!

The cell can look full just from the black color in the acid. You can estimate the fullness by two simple methods.

1) How many pounds of scrap did you process. Figure 1 gram per pound for mid grade scrap. To get the most out of a rinse you should try to rinse after no less than 7 grams (5-7 pounds of scrap processed) minimal.


2) How many actual hours of stripping time you put in. I use this method to determine when to filter. I go for a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of 24.
