Where do you BUY NITRIC!!!! G.R. MI

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2012
Grand Rapids Mi.
This has become increasingly frustrating to me!!! My supplier of nitric recebtly closed and I have been having an aweful time finding a new dependable source for nitric!! does anybody have any tips, or contacts for buying nitric I live in Grand Rapids Michigan.

Thanks for everyones time!!!!!!!!!1
as soon as it is weather friendly here (maybe in the next couple of days) i intend on making a video of my redneck distillation rig in operation making a quart of nitric acid. with a little technical ability,anyone can make the same rig i use. i figure it cost me $8 a quart in chemicals to distill it.
rparks3rd said:
This has become increasingly frustrating to me!!! My supplier of nitric recebtly closed and I have been having an aweful time finding a new dependable source for nitric!! does anybody have any tips, or contacts for buying nitric I live in Grand Rapids Michigan.

Thanks for everyones time!!!!!!!!!1
I buy mine from Greenway Chemical, Tech grade HNO3 i think it around 68%, Its around $4.00 a gallon if you buy a 30 gallon barrel. I know they have a website. This may be a source for you.
Geo said:
as soon as it is weather friendly here (maybe in the next couple of days) i intend on making a video of my redneck distillation rig in operation making a quart of nitric acid. with a little technical ability,anyone can make the same rig i use. i figure it cost me $8 a quart in chemicals to distill it.
oooh! this sounds good, looking forward to it
A member named......bigjohn..... I think. Posted here not too long ago about a place he found to order from that sells it for like $9 or $10 for a 16oz bottle. Of course there is like a $20 hazmat fee to ship it. But the fee is only charged once if you purchase several bottles at the same time. So if you bought let's say 5 bottles, you would be paying around $14 per bottle total.

I think that this is the place. I have not purchased from them, just trying to share what another member came across.

tek4g63 said:
A member named......bigjohn..... I think. Posted here not too long ago about a place he found to order from that sells it for like $9 or $10 for a 16oz bottle. Of course there is like a $20 hazmat fee to ship it. But the fee is only charged once if you purchase several bottles at the same time. So if you bought let's say 5 bottles, you would be paying around $14 per bottle total.

I think that this is the place. I have not purchased from them, just trying to share what another member came across.


You are correct!
They charge a Flat $27 hazmate fee for up to 8 bottles. I ordered 5 pints and total shipped was around $96
They are slow to ship but they dont charge your card till it ships. If you canot find anywhere else its cheaper than the pints on fleebay
I am with Geo on this one, I don't know what it costs in time and power, and it does take a while but if you are able making it, it can be pretty cheap, chemicals alone I can make a pint for about $3.00. although that is about 5 hrs of time, sure you don't need to be there every second but you need to be around. I built a condenser like his, not as long but works pretty good for nearly free.
Link to a thread with a photo of his condenser

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