Where in Canada or the States can you get Aqua Regia training ?

Gold Refining Forum

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Just my take but forget ishor and study the forum. What the forum teach’s will be cleaner and easier to understand as well as to work with. Of course you could spend a bunch of money and hire a personal trainer, but I have no idea what that would cost.
Welcome to the forum.

hiring a consultant to teach you to refine isn't cheap, I happen to know a thing or two about that. The only folks who benefit from hiring a consultant are those who wish to refine commercially and have an established business to bring in the work. For a hobby refiner or a small shop, save your consulting fee's and put it towards a good hood and scrubber setup.

And listen to Shark, he learned his skills here! (is it shark or The Shark?)
And listen to Shark, he learned his skills here! (is it shark or The Shark?)
When I started here I had no idea how or where to get nitric acid. I learned to make my own here. I had never used Copper(ll) chloride before, based on what I learned here I used my own process version and used it for three years before getting away from electronic scrap. I had never ran an electrolysis cell of any kind before, now I can run copper cells, silver cells and a few others. And that is just little of what I have learned here. The things I learned to do from this forum could easily amount to a college education. And I even made a few dollars along the way.

Much thanks to those who have taught me all of this.
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Hey all

I want to begin my journey of refining gold, and I want to get it right on both the process and the equipment required

I've been looking at this system (https://www.ishor.com/aqua-regia-gold-refining-system), and what concerns me is that it apparently can only refine to 99.95% purity

Naturally I would far prefer to refine to 99.99

Any suggestions or thoughts would be most welcome
You have been given good advice here.
I posted some links for your studies on your introduction post.

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