Where to buy ore

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Oct 20, 2011
Hope this is not a stupid question, but where would one find gold and/or silver ore sales. I have looked online and nothing seems available. Are there any resources for this. If so, what would one expect to pay per ton assuming 100oz of silver per ton or 1oz of gold per ton just as a guide point. And is there any formulas to purchace lesser or greater qualities.

This seems to be the "worlds best kept secret"
It's not really a secret.

If you had a mine and the funding to work it why would you part it out a ton at a time when you could contract it all to the best single company equipped to get the maximum recovery (perhaps even set up your own company smelter).

As the ore bands vary in width and thickness I would expect each ton as dug, will vary from the average of all of it. How could you set a real value on one of them?

No offence but if you think about it, honestly, they just don't need you.
Anyone could sell you garbage they say is high quality ore. To keep from getting burned, it somehow must be assayed before you buy it.
ebay has some choice auctions but youll have to do your homework. like it was said before why buy garbage when others are telling you its high grade?. I looked into it and I wasnt convinced about buying a bag of socalled high grade ore or paydirt . If you do get some and find some color it was salted and they know just how much to put into it. But Im no expert just stuff I found out about some places . Good luck

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