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Nov 20, 2009
Mornington Australia
The more I read here the more confused I become, so I will tell you what I have and hope someone can help!.
I have around 65 grams of unknown karat gold jewellery, they are broken heavy chains with no markings on them ie: 9k, 14k etc. I tested one half link in nitric acid 70% it dissolved rapidly and left a clear greenish yellow solution behind. I also have about 2 Kgs. 1 pound of gold plated jewellery as well. I have watched some of lazesteves video’s particularly the electrolytic bath one, but I cannot buy sulphuric acid here (not quite true I can buy a motorcycle battery that comes with a bottle of 65% sulphuric acid) but at $79.00 aussie I think it’s a bit steep for 1 Litre, the drain unblocker in Australia does not have sulphuric acid in it.
So here is what I have chemically: Nitric acid 70%, Hydrochloric acid, Sodium metabisulfite, Oxalic acid, Sodium hypochlorite 52.5g/l household bleach.
Where do I go from here!
Last weekend I made up some AR and placed a few gold plated bits of jewellery in it, some of the jewellery was steel under copper under gold so it completely dissolved in the AR. Some must have been nickel based as all I had left was the shell of the ear rings and members lapel badges left. This solution it brown/black on the bench with a yellow tinge if held up to the light. Is it worth while trying to recover anything from it even as learning curve?
I have tried reading Hokes book but do not know which pages apply to what.
NB: for people who have trouble finding sodium metabisulfite, I found it at my local home brew store. It’s used for sterilizing the beer and spirit making equipment.
Regards to all geoffromoz

35% nitric acid will work fine for gold plated items. The gold foils and powder should remain undissolved after all the base metals go inot solution. The gold can them be recovered and processed in AR.

The 9 kt scrap should be inquarted with sterling silver or copper and processed in 35% nitirc acid. The remaining powder/sponge is then processed in AR.

I have videos on my website that demonstrate using 35% nitirc acid (in the silver section) and one on inquarting karat gold.

Ok so I took Steve’s advice and mixed a 50-50 of distilled water and nitric acid and placed all of the gold plated jewellery in it outdoors with an electric fan behind the bath. Some items dissolved completely some stripped to the base metal some did nothing at all, when filed there seems to be aluminium under some coating or other. Well now I have filtered of an Aquamarine coloured solution which has left a aquamarine coloured sludge in the bottom of my bath. Do I now mix a bath of Aqua Regia and place my stripped contents in it to dissolve the gold or do I need to do something else first.


I thing you're trying too much too fast and you're getting yourself confused. You have nitric and hydrochloric so you're better off than most, for quite a few members nitric is tough to get. For a non chemist you can't beat Hoke's book, it's written for non chemists and it was written before people used things like HCl and peroxide and HCl and bleach. (which are discussed here often and can be confusing) You haven't mentioned testing your scrap or your solutions, 2 very important steps in this process.

Hoke has also written a wonderful guide to testing metals which is also available here on the forum to download for free. What you have to do is read, test your material and put in a little effort studying her (Hoke's) methods. Then come back and ask questions based on a foundation of what you have learned form your studies.

Month after month guys come here and want instant gratification and it gets kind of grating on the members who have to explain basic concepts again and again because new members are confused but haven't done the basics. I guarantee you that if you read the 2 Hoke books available on the forum and come back with questions you will get the answers you seek. You do your end and this forum will come through for you.

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