Which computers have the Pentium Pro in them? LOOK!

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Which computer contains the Pentium Pro processor?

  • The top one.

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • The bottom one.

    Votes: 47 77.0%

  • Total voters
Here is a picture of the front and back of a Pentium II Celeron, this same case was also used for the K-6 and a Pentium Pro model as well.


That is the top one in the picture provided above, same back end. So the computer on the top could be any of the 3 I mentioned above, one of which is a Pentium Pro.

Here is a picture of a Compaq Pentium Pro Server


Notice the heavy plastic, it's the only one I could find right off the bat...

Here are a couple more pictures of cases, made by Compaq, that used many different mother boards, some of which carried Pentium Pros



For sure, without a doubt, the very top computer in the first picture, could have had a Pentium Pro in it. Once I find a picture of the back end of a Compaq server case that houses a Pentium Pro, I'll show the bottom one could also have been a Pentium Pro.

EpicSilver said:
i still think the bottom (the front is covered by paper where the processor sticker would be)

The second picture says;
These are NOT the same computers as in the question!
So that picture doesn't matter.

I see the answer has not yet been posted. Is there a point to this? I would say no. As SBrown has already aptly pointed out, the case styles shown in the photo could have been used with any processor of the time.

I will say the bottom photo in this cases harbors the PPro because the backplate is longer than a standard ATX backplate, and PPros were (I believe) pre-ATX. And someone else posted a photo of a PPro board showing the longer backplate. But it also could have had a Pentium, maybe even a 486.

But again, I see the exercise as moot. I'll be happy to be shown something I don't know, but at this point I just don't see it.
Is it just me, or is the forum becoming more negative lately?

Makin'Money posed a question based on a previous thread that discussed how to spot a computer with a particular type of processor. He set up a good natured exercise to allow members to see if they could spot the case that contained a particular processor, allowing members time to make their guesses and throw out hints as to why they felt their guess was right.

And for his effort he has been criticized, challenged, told that his post isn't fair, dissected, and now told that the exercise is moot, all since he started this thread just over a week ago! :cry:

I'm not sure what it is, maybe it was the way the person who started this thread, went after another members post. Maybe it was the way he repeated it again, and how he has been trying to prove another member wrong with this elaborate game. Maybe it's the way he was toying with people, and playing games with the guessing, or maybe it's that he wants to get his name out there, so people click his link.

I have seen his video's, and he does a pretty good job explaining how to take apart some scrap, and personally I would like to see more video's like that. I think the person who posted this thread is in reality, an active member of this forum who contributes on a regular basis.

I personally don't go for the get rich quick things, such as the link in his signature, but he is doing nothing wrong by advertising it in his link that way. And to be fair other people do the same with their own links. So no problem there at all.

But when he says this in one post:

MMFJ said:
Spotting a Pentium Pro case from a distance is a pretty skilled task (though it is possible, as you have seen from the other posts).

Then posts this thread, then links back to the thread that has that quote, I get the feeling that he is stating that he is skilled at spotting a Pentium Pro case from a distance, as if he is some kind of expert. Yet in this post he asks people to choose which case had the Pentium Pro in it. Problem with this question is that he stated in the previous thread he can tell a Pentium Pro CASE, not which had a Pentium Pro processor. Then he posts two cases that both could have housed Pentium pro CPUs.

This thread as a friendly guessing game, he said nothing about guessing, he asked people to correctly identify, a totally different question.

I am not alright with people who pick on other people, I'm more interested in truth and actual facts. So when MMFJ stated this:

MMFJ said:
Although the "late '80s" comment is quoted, it is from the link shown from Moo - who basically made statements that triggered this thread. I have to say that I did not look at the dates on them, simply using his info (if it is incorrect, I apologize profusely for propagating misinformation!)

I went back, AGAIN, and read the thread. I didn't see where Moo mentioned anything about Pentium Pro computers in the 80s. Here is all that Moo said in the link that MMFJ is referring to:

Moo said:
between the late 80s to late 90s LPX form factor boards were very popular in retail stores Compaq and packard bell as well as many other manufacturers used them and were often sold at many electronic superstores, take some time to familiarize your self with this formfactor and you will notice they are layed out distinctively and you can see this by looking at the back of the case where everything plugs into.

Blaming other people for simple mistakes doesn't seem very honest to me.

But okay, I was willing to look past petty things like this, and focus on what the original topic was. I expected some forthcoming pictures on the 27th, considering it was the 25th that MMFJ stated this:

MMFJ said:
I want to leave this mystery out there for a couple days, then I'll post the FRONT shot of the two computers so you can see that, for one thing, they are both 'Deskpro', and another, what I call the "pizza resistance" :roll: definitive way to identify these machines....

Then compound that by the games MMFJ was playing

MMFJ said:
If you look at the votes, you will notice that at least ONE person got it right!

MMFJ said:
As of this posting, we can say that at least 3 people got it right......

Then on the 28th he toyed with readers a bit more, remember the 27th was when he said he would provide pictures of the front of the case.

MMFJ said:
Time is running out to cast your vote and/or post your opinion on which one of the pictured computers had a Pentium Pro in it (yes, there was only one of these - the other had a slot processor in it).

Now it's "post your opinion"? But wait, in this post MMFJ is asking us to IDENTIFY the one that had the Pentium Pro CPU:

MMFJ said:
OK, just wondering how 'trained' you (the person reading this - that means YOU....) are in identifying the computer with the Pentium Pro in it.....

You might say that I am now just nitpicking, maybe, but all of these little things add up. How a person feels about this post starts to accumulate, the longer MMFJ strings people along and toys with this thread, the more people will feel negative towards this thread. It's now the 1st, 4 days after he said he would post the pictures of the front, but nothing forthcoming at all.

I was willing to play along for a time, I think handled correctly, posts like this can actually add value to the forum. I even went out of my way to painstakingly describe Compaq Computers that had Pentium Pro chips. And posted a picture on one of the same cases MMFJ posted, and said that it came with a Pentium Pro, and also said, clearly, I had chosen the opposite computer and because of his comments now believe I chose wrong (I chose the bottom computer) and how I now thought it was the top computer, but that I had already caste my vote.

But this for me was the kicker:

MMFJ said:
OK, how about for everyone that votes correctly (of which I have no idea exactly, since the 'poll' doesn't give me that info....), you get a FREE copy of.....

Not that I didn't think that post was funny, I did, the first time I saw it. I think this was posted for purpose and effect. I think MMFJ is a very intelligent person, I think he posts carefully to get the maximum amount of exposure for his website endeavors. And I think it's posts like this that drive traffic to his website. There is nothing wrong with any of this, so long as he stays within the rules. But for me personally, this type of marketing tactic turns me off. Trying to drag this thread on and on to get as much attention and exposure as possible has turned what I thought was going to be an interesting thread, into something else totally different. I almost feel that every time I post on this thread, and I advancing MMFJs personal agenda. Now I don't even want to post.

I didn't appreciate the way MMFJ attempted to throw Moo under the bus, several times. And with incorrect information. The comment about the Pentium Pro's being late 1980s and then blaming it on Moo was a bit over the top. I have no idea who Moo is, but I do know that he didn't state anything misleading, he was only suggesting a way that you might identify a Pentium Pro by looking at the back. And he brings up Moo several times in this thread, and not in a way that would lead you to believe he harbored any good feelings towards Moo.

Without saying things about MMFJ that I couldn't possibly know to be true or not, I cannot really say more. Not unless I want to dig through the posts and point out every single little thing that has accumulated to make me feel how I do about this thread. I was going to carry on, and post more, but I don't really see the point. I am only posting this because of what Dave said:

FrugalRefiner said:
Is it just me, or is the forum becoming more negative lately?

Makin'Money posed a question based on a previous thread that discussed how to spot a computer with a particular type of processor. He set up a good natured exercise to allow members to see if they could spot the case that contained a particular processor, allowing members time to make their guesses and throw out hints as to why they felt their guess was right.

And for his effort he has been criticized, challenged, told that his post isn't fair, dissected, and now told that the exercise is moot, all since he started this thread just over a week ago! :cry:


I wanted to at least explain why I have posted and said the things I have on this thread. I have no ill feelings towards MMFJ himself, nor anyone else for that matter. These are only my own thoughts and opinions. I post them in open forum for the same reasons we all post in open forum. If we cannot be honest, and instead suffer propriety as our compass, then who of us will have talent enough with words, to express truths without offending?

I prefer straight forward honesty, correct me where I am wrong, I don't like playing verbal footsy.

I will guess that the computer that HAD the Pentirum Pro, as it no longer has the Pentium Pro, but it did have at one time, so yeah... that's my vote. :mrgreen:

Bottom One.

So you really did make $72,864.29 in 9 weeks.... I will buy your book if this is 100% true...
i dont mind playing footsies. :oops: as long as shes cute and can play spades. :p :lol:

im sorry, im a joker at heart.

it really seems like an obvious ploy to drive traffic. im not sure how the moderators will see it (and trust me, they will see it) there may not be that much wrong with what hes doing. normally with something like this (as far as im aware) not much would be said unless another member became offended in some way. an out right attack on another member is another thing entirely. that would be dealt with as soon as a moderator saw it. honestly, i feel its up to Moo to call foul on this one.
I fully expect this matter will come to an abrupt end immediately. Promoting a website in this manner is grounds for being banned. Get my drift? It's called SPAM, folks.

A full disclosure on the question posed is expected. Post it.

Harold_V said:
I fully expect this matter will come to an abrupt end immediately. Promoting a website in this manner is grounds for being banned. Get my drift? It's called SPAM, folks.

A full disclosure on the question posed is expected. Post it.


i am really starting to like Harold_V for his forwardness

"all hail Harold_V" :!:
Harold is smart and sophisticated as I've been learning from reading his posts.
I dunno, spell check didn't catch it? I can't spell.


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