Which computers have the Pentium Pro in them? LOOK!

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Which computer contains the Pentium Pro processor?

  • The top one.

    Votes: 14 23.0%
  • The bottom one.

    Votes: 47 77.0%

  • Total voters
spelling is right, description? hmmm.. not sure i would call Harold sophisticated, smart without a doubt, but sophisticated brings up images dinner jackets and cocktails. "martini, shaken, not stirred"
Ok, a couple comments from me.

I may have misinterpreted MMFJ's intent. If so, I have been too harsh in judging him. For now, he is unable to log on to the forum (we have talked via email). When he is able to access the board once again, we'll get this entire matter straightened out. Mean time, all of you, keep it cool. Do not escalate.

Here's what troubles me.

I don't like anything posted that has the potential to divide readers. While that was not the intended purpose of this thread, that certainly has been the result. It could have been avoided by a full disclosure, as was originally promised (that's not a life and death thing, as we all know).

It could have also been avoided by certain individuals not acting as moderators. While keeping an eye on the board is appreciated, comments that can prove to be controversial, in particular if they may imply a question about one's objective or credibility, are best NOT POSTED by readers. That leaves the door open for responses such as we've witnessed here. Without me going out of my way to name individuals, I'm going to make a blanket statement that applies to all. Those who are responsible in this instance should have the wisdom to understand the comments are aimed at them.

Do not offer challenges on the forum where the credibility of others may be concerned. That is particularly true when addressing a post by a reader who has been proven to be of quality by having been on the board for some time. If you are troubled by a post, don't pick it apart. Instead, so peace and harmony is maintained, send your comments to a moderator for resolution. Once a reader is criticized, it's only natural for that individual to respond, often not kindly. After all, who amongst us, especially if we have noble intentions, wants to be accused of an action that is not true? We try to avoid such things on this forum, which is one of the reasons I try to keep the lid on things, bringing them to an abrupt end, by what ever means. We hope to not have circumstances spin out of control.

Well, after a long (and frustrating, as well as uneventful) weekend of not being able to log onto the forum from home (still no clues why, though thanks to Harold for sticking with me in all the attempts...), I came back to the office and logged right in (after a password reset by Noxx - will try the home computer later), I'm "back" as they say....

Well, this thread has certainly taken a wildly unanticipated turn :shock:

I'm going to address a couple of posts directly;

necromancer (and others) - the 'reason' to let this go unanswered for a few days (initially anyway - technical issues aside...) is to actually give people time to SEE it - believe it or not, there are some people that don't log in several times a day (like we do) - I was hoping to get their thoughts/opinions and I think some of them did chime in well.

FrugalRefiner - thanks for 'getting it' - seems you really understood that the "POINT" (although there never really was one other than to perhaps have a thread where people could LEARN - not argue....) was to have some FUN and see what kind of 'tricks' folks have to spot these cases. You pointed out something I have noted in many posts as well (and privately discussed my concerns with Harold via email while I was not able to log on from home) - the forum has been a bit more negative lately - not sure who/where/what has been different, but it does seem there are more 'snippy' replies (I've even caught myself leaning that direction, getting caught up in the negative 'flow'... - actually, not being able to get on for a few days has given me time to clear my head - I highly recommend it to any/everyone!).

As for any sort of "ploy" or "devious manipulation" of any sort to "drive traffic", I'm really not sure where that came from other than a MISUNDERSTANDING on the part of those that took what I gave in good FUN as a response to tek4g63's good-hearted request for some sort of prize. Seemed to me that a good-hearted, 'prize' for a question that only had two possible choices (at least, in the poll) would be a free 'copy' of a non-existent 'book' (which is referenced in a link to a nonsensensical page I created in response to another FUN post on the 'Best of eBay' awhile back). If anyone took the time to read both the posts and the linked-to page, you would see that their is not any sort of "book" or anything else to drive traffic to! And, all of it was in the sense of the question of a 'prize' (which was certainly asked in the same whimsical way as the whole thread SHOULD be taken - certainly if it is the case that the person that starts the thread must have some sort of "agenda" or direction for it - mine was in FUN!) If any ill intent was taken, I'm not sure how and as I told Harold, if it truly offends, I won't have that bit of fun again (though I fully reserve the right to have other fun, in spite of it all! 8)

As for any sort of "attack" or other "foul" toward Moo (or anyone else), I had (and have) no intention of anything other than giving credit where I got the idea to begin this thread, and creating a single-thought spot for learning. Too much talk of 'not giving credit where it is due' going on lately on other posts - I just wanted to point out that it triggered something for me to create a thread that I thought would be interesting and extend that thought and see just how it is possible to identify PPro cases (if at all possible) - I wasn't sure, and from the replies, it seems that there are many (MANY) conflicting (if not confusing) points, however, there is a lot to be learned from the posting (other than the mudslinging bits.....) and therefore, it seems the original post has served a good purpose.

As for attacks toward me and/or my intentions - - - - I think there really is nothing for me to say about that........ your words and actions show who you are and what you are really all about inside.......

Now, for the 'reveal' (which I wanted to do several days ago, but couldn't log in!).....

Let's just say that vango57 is the ONLY one to really hit it right on the head.....

View attachment 1

And, to all those that played along - THANKS! I hope you had as much fun as I did with this and learned something along the way (as I did!)

Now, I'm off to the house to see if I can log on from there - hopefully so, as it's hard to find time during 'office' hours (which are often 8 am to ???!)


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I didn't guess but if I had I was thinking the bottom one just based on the on-board items, mainly it having on-board LAN.
MMFJ said:
Well, after a long (and frustrating, as well as uneventful) weekend of not being able to log onto the forum from home (still no clues why, though thanks to Harold for sticking with me in all the attempts...), I came back to the office and logged right in (after a password reset by Noxx - will try the home computer later), I'm "back" as they say....

Well, this thread has certainly taken a wildly unanticipated turn :shock:

I'm going to address a couple of posts directly;

necromancer (and others) - the 'reason' to let this go unanswered for a few days (initially anyway - technical issues aside...) is to actually give people time to SEE it - believe it or not, there are some people that don't log in several times a day (like we do) - I was hoping to get their thoughts/opinions and I think some of them did chime in well.

FrugalRefiner - thanks for 'getting it' - seems you really understood that the "POINT" (although there never really was one other than to perhaps have a thread where people could LEARN - not argue....) was to have some FUN and see what kind of 'tricks' folks have to spot these cases. You pointed out something I have noted in many posts as well (and privately discussed my concerns with Harold via email while I was not able to log on from home) - the forum has been a bit more negative lately - not sure who/where/what has been different, but it does seem there are more 'snippy' replies (I've even caught myself leaning that direction, getting caught up in the negative 'flow'... - actually, not being able to get on for a few days has given me time to clear my head - I highly recommend it to any/everyone!).

As for any sort of "ploy" or "devious manipulation" of any sort to "drive traffic", I'm really not sure where that came from other than a MISUNDERSTANDING on the part of those that took what I gave in good FUN as a response to tek4g63's good-hearted request for some sort of prize. Seemed to me that a good-hearted, 'prize' for a question that only had two possible choices (at least, in the poll) would be a free 'copy' of a non-existent 'book' (which is referenced in a link to a nonsensensical page I created in response to another FUN post on the 'Best of eBay' awhile back). If anyone took the time to read both the posts and the linked-to page, you would see that their is not any sort of "book" or anything else to drive traffic to! And, all of it was in the sense of the question of a 'prize' (which was certainly asked in the same whimsical way as the whole thread SHOULD be taken - certainly if it is the case that the person that starts the thread must have some sort of "agenda" or direction for it - mine was in FUN!) If any ill intent was taken, I'm not sure how and as I told Harold, if it truly offends, I won't have that bit of fun again (though I fully reserve the right to have other fun, in spite of it all! 8)

As for any sort of "attack" or other "foul" toward Moo (or anyone else), I had (and have) no intention of anything other than giving credit where I got the idea to begin this thread, and creating a single-thought spot for learning. Too much talk of 'not giving credit where it is due' going on lately on other posts - I just wanted to point out that it triggered something for me to create a thread that I thought would be interesting and extend that thought and see just how it is possible to identify PPro cases (if at all possible) - I wasn't sure, and from the replies, it seems that there are many (MANY) conflicting (if not confusing) points, however, there is a lot to be learned from the posting (other than the mudslinging bits.....) and therefore, it seems the original post has served a good purpose.

As for attacks toward me and/or my intentions - - - - I think there really is nothing for me to say about that........ your words and actions show who you are and what you are really all about inside.......

Now, for the 'reveal' (which I wanted to do several days ago, but couldn't log in!).....

Let's just say that vango57 is the ONLY one to really hit it right on the head.....

View attachment 1
View attachment 1

And, to all those that played along - THANKS! I hope you had as much fun as I did with this and learned something along the way (as I did!)

Now, I'm off to the house to see if I can log on from there - hopefully so, as it's hard to find time during 'office' hours (which are often 8 am to ???!)

i will reply to this in a few days, thats if i can log-on
Hey boys and girls - if you see this black Intel logo
that says "intel inside" Pentium Pro, guess what????

Pentium Pro inside.JPG

There is a Pentium Pro processor inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
glorycloud said:
Hey boys and girls - if you see this black Intel logo
that says "intel inside" Pentium Pro, guess what????

There is a Pentium Pro processor inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)

Not always, I get many computers in with, surprise no processor and also a lot of time no memory.
You still have to look inside, or maybe disappointed when you get home.

DUH!!!!! I don't shell out good money for PPro PC's or servers
unless I crack them open and see the processor heat sinks attached!!

Of course if I get the PC's for free then beggars can't be choosers. 8)

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