Would this method make nitric?

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Active member
Jul 26, 2008
1 st method on the video.

And would this acid be strong enough to refine silver?
sorry cannot see video, look around here, on the forum you will find exellent information for nitric, you may want to distill for silver as silver and sulfates are not good in refining.
nitric can be stored in brown glass chemical bottles avoid light and heat, lids well I am a little lost here, mine are nitric bottles, but you can use teflon between lid and bottle, mine seem to be like a bakealite type material. nitric and cork or rubber is a no no, and some plastics would not be good, I would try a glass bottle and either ground glass lid or a teflon ringed glass lid.
danny987 said:
1 st method on the video.

And would this acid be strong enough to refine silver?

The first method is demonstrated in the video is poormans AR (sodium nitrate and HCL). Though it would have collected nitric acid it would also be contaminated with HCL vapors. The fumes collected from AR is a weak form of AR.
butcher said:
yes bubble into water for a weak nitric and then concentrate up to 68% azeotrope.

can anyone confirm this (about the nitrous oxide)? And would the poormans AR work to refine silver?
I read that nitrous oxide doesn't do that, but that nitrogen dioxide would in very small amounts.
Edit - I guess you mean't NO (nitric oxide) not N2O (nitrous oxide).
NO will get oxidized by free oxygen like butcher says into NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)

where nitric oxide will oxidize to form nitrogen dioxide that again reacts with water, ultimately forming nitric acid:

4 NO + 3 O2 + 2 H2O → 4 HNO3

(H2O2 peroxide will help)
The video is one of my favorites on you tube it's made by nurd rage which posts a lot of useful chemistry experiments. I've tried all the methods in this video and all
three methods work ,however the first two methods are far more efficient when you use the beginning solution ,which is poor man's aqua regia, to dissolve your scrap then use the fumes to make your nitric acid. The last method is the only way described that will make a decent concentration of nitric acid but even this will only make close to or slightly above 60% concentration if you very carefully monitor the temperature. I found a retort which is basically a solid glass still for about $40 which works quite well, the company only ships within the united states http://unitednuclear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=25_26&products_id=311 . If you happen to have the equipment to distill under a vacuum and you carefully monitor the temperature you can get pretty darn close to 100% concentration but the equipment will cost 2-3 hundred dollar unless you get really lucky and can find used equipment.
There is no need for 100% HNO3 when refining, in fact it is dangerous (more so than 70% HNO3). For refining you'll need a good clean 35% HNO3.

Clean meaning no chloride contamination when refining silver.

danny987 said:
And would the poormans AR work to refine silver?

No, Poormans AR or any AR is not used to refine silver, silver chloride would be produced which would shield any remaining silver from the acids.
You need to use Nitric acid alone to digest silver before continuing to refine it.

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