wurlitzer funmaker organ Buss bar

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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2020
I took a Fun maker to pieces a few weeks ago. The keys would press onto two fine gold tipped wires that would be pushed against what I can best describe as a buss bar.

The buss bar is a fiberglass rod with a channel down the side. In the channel sits a bright silver wire roughly 1/16” in diameter. The wire is very soft and mailable. Has almost zero memory. When heated to red it cools to have a dark oxidized finish.

What is the best way for me to identify this wire type?

Thanks for any help you can give.
This is what I have on my phone. Parts are at the shop.


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Ohiogoldfever said:
The buss bar is a fiberglass rod with a channel down the side. In the channel sits a bright silver wire roughly 1/16” in diameter. The wire is very soft and mailable. Has almost zero memory. When heated to red it cools to have a dark oxidized finish.

Per the underlined - they are certainly not palladium (or any other PGM) wires then - my "guess" is likely silver (or maybe tin) plated copper wire

the wire "bus bars" that make contact with long wire on the rod are likely phosphor bronze with gold plating on the tip that makes contact with the rod wire

Not worth the time to scrap for the "little" value that's there IMO

Thanks for the response. Given the size and the oxidation that happens after heating I figured it wasn’t likely to be a platinum group metal.

It made sense to me that it might be some form of low oxidation material though given they went through the trouble to plate the tips of the contact wires it stands to reason the buss would also be a somewhat valuable material chosen to ensure a sound connection.
Ohiogoldfever said:
it stands to reason the buss would also be a somewhat valuable material chosen to ensure a sound connection.

As I said the bus wires/bars (with the gold plated tips) that make contact with the long "rod" bus are most likely a phosphor bronze --- phosphor bronze is a copper/tin alloy with a very small amount (like .35 %) of phosphorus added to it - the phosphorus makes the bronze harder so that it acts like a spring (moves back & forth without causing stress cracking) the copper in the bronze allows for good current flow when contact is made - the gold plating on the "tip" prevents the tip of the bus wire/bar from getting surface corrosion on the tip insuring there is always a good connection between the 2 busses

Corrosion resistance is why the long bus wire is likely silver plated copper & the individual bus wires are phosphorous bronze with the "tip" being gold plated

Even if you take the time to cut off the gold plated "tips" it is likely to amount to only about 1 tenth of a gram of gold --- going after $5 worth of gold is not worth the time & effort IMO

other then that you have the value of the copper & bronze (bronze = brass price)

Thank you for the help Kurt. And taking the time to explain everything in detail.
Actually,it is what u thought in first place.Though only a plated wire,it has some value.I am not sure how to process the wire,and cutting the gold tips is not much gold,but the silver it sits on will add up.The amount of organs I have taken apart is about a dozen,just in past month.Wurlitzer,Kawai ,Kimball,Lowery,Conn,Baldwin. Thomas,and Hammond.Missed out on a Yamaha,and still trying to obtain an Allen that is in town nearby.I have paid 10 for one,and was given 10 back.The Conn had silver plate bars,gold tipped contacts,Kawai seemed to be some silver plate but not much,Wurlitzer has same palladium plate wire with gold tipped contacts ,Kimball has the gold plate I believe,though I took a Lowery apart the same days and cannot remember which of two had which.One had silver plate with lead and zinc,and other had 10k plate.Both were individual little bars much like the Kawai.The Hammonds were S chord with nickel bars and palladium wire attached,an E that had copper square with palladium wire,and M had more flattened copper than E with palladium wire.Baldwins I had old wooden keys with thin white overlayered white material,contacts were springs and metal short individual wires with gold plate I think,and the newer Baldwin has plastic around small pieces of what could be gold plate copper I guess..Still dismantling this one.I have yet to get nitric acid and have been looking for a reasonable source.The only previous experience I have is using AP on gold plated circuit board gold,memory cards,and have been saving materials for a couple years.I got into all this because I came across a business that threw away all the alarm panels that were taken out by 12 or more installers.The amount of ewaste in Oklahoma is not any less than other areas I am certain,endless supply if you know where to look.The only downside is the little amounts of gold ,silver,palladium in the electronics made in past years.It is hit and miss with most items unless you really enjoy tearing stuff down and making a big mess.The organ approach was something I ran into because of older organs being posted and people wanting them gone.I have not any desire to take pianos apart,and only did this in thoughts of 60-70 year old electronics having more precious metal content.The obvious answer to go big scale and have tons was not an option,and having any place that would process all I had and give me a fair percentage seems to be hopeful at best.This leaves me with hundreds of boards,many coffee cans of components,and more time dismantling and trashing plastic than the recycle metals at scrapyard could be worth.
I know,it's a novel at this point,and I can get to my point.These organs are a lot of work,the busbars can be of value but won't make u rich,and the amount of work involved makes it easier to work elsewhere and buy precious metal.As hobby and of interest I have come to far to go backwards.What I need next,in order to wrap all this up is process of recovering the metals from all these components and boards.This will take more acid than it's worth,and amounts of cad,lead,other harmful elements makes burning a definite no.What is my best option other than throwing everything away and calling it experience?Lbs of components,boxes of stripped boards,and many speakers with several amps,and Leslie tremolo units.
These are a couple of the capacitors I speak of when I say metal foil or plastic rolled into a square and encapsulated this one red bean looking capacitor is average size with all colors and sizes tiny to big.The various disks,some dogbone silver and the blue with what appears to be some precious metal legs,many many colors sizes and makeups I am certain,with the multi-legged couplers a different species I am still confused on due to being different types of couplers in electronics.No,I do not mess with metal cans,aluminum ,tantalium,niobium I am told,with oil and any number hazards not to mention tar or some nasty substance inside most I have ever seen with most without toxic pcbs Telling u in them as in light transformers from average shop flouresent ballast..Just because it is not made with or containing PCBs does not mean it is worth taking apart or holding value..The copper in some things is not worth the time,gold not there in any significant amount,and basically if you do any processing for wealth you are either very lucky to have found a stream of precious metal that is in enough of an amount to profit yet not known to others that have access as good or better to the same material.
The Wurlitzers..I have pics I can look through and post,many..Of gold in ceramic white chips,gold on three legged gates and a few inductors.The white fiberglass looking rods with brass clips holding this alloy or plate is worth money to someone,but not sure what content of metal it contains,XRF gun?I believe this is what jt is called,shows the many elements in the tips of those Gold contacts to have even small percent of Rhodium..Very small,Silver,Gold,Palladium,With copper being underlying metal the majority of the time,tin,lead,and much Cadmium is included in these organs..With calflowering yellow on many screw heads and metal exposed insides when taking apart wear gear to protect yourself,don't sand,melt or burn,and be aware..These are 50-80 year old devices I take apart..They don't make things the same way they use to,and don't use same material either.Not always a good thing.Though people think the metal being cheaper they used more,or being idiots with the industry they plated way thick and lots of .material..Well,I can tell you that is not the case,They were quite foolish with the belief a hlock of wood with some metal attached and motion to be able to last and good job...Not slightly,silver and low volts will fail to make contact and has buildup that won't clear from the wiping motion.They phosphor bronze and other thought to be good conductors are worthless for those trying to gain precious metals.The best organ I have found was a bigger fancy wurlitzer,I am certain I kept the badge,and I made 300-400 from the busbars,have kept gold tips and dissolved alot of contacts in potassium nitrate mixed with sulfuric and then added my hydrochloric.Used zinc to drop.Do Not think I am telling you do as I do or am trained or someone educated and able to explain the what and why,I would ask you not to follow what I am doing,and telling you I am unsure of risks,try my best to have knowledge and not put myself in danger.While I do prefer dissolving to burning,This is do to Cad being in a large part of the silver alloys in electric organs.The XRF gun,or what ever the device is,has given me knowledge of what is in many parts of many organs and brands I have taken apart.How accurate or how deep the reading goes I do not know. I REALLY,do not believe it can do more than tell what is plated or on outside a piece unless you have exposed the inside good enough to get reading,or melted the metal..Don't know what to believe on that one..But No,I have not been taking big round metal can capacitors apart,don't recycle them,and have pretty big bucket filled with those and the glass screens off displays that people say platinum is in,I do not know what in either and Wait someone that says they recycle them or want them.my mlccs and these disks off 50year old organ boards I have separate and with my silver palladium stockpile..The couplers in metal coffee cans and await testing and decision on the content and procedure if need be to gain metals.I am currently looking for a Tipp refiner,and someone to do boards as well as the buckets of contacts alloy and plate.


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The wurlitzer organs that is,as far as plated,alloy,or what all is value I do not kmow.Spinets and smaller organs vs three manual was obvious difference in gold and palladium content.Besidds the gold component's the palladium alloy or plate ..it is full of capacitors.These are the kinds of capacitors I need help processing.The ceramic or plastic and paper coated I really don't know if any value in ,even metalized film has possible value due to the hydrochloric not affecting it I am puzzled as to what some metals are.while I haven't been trying to refine and have been reading and gathering more and more,,I will at some point need a good refiner or instruction more than what knowledge I can learn from media. I would need hands on taught or shown how to do it for my brain to have any benefit being in the room.If this is certain percentage and professional while I sit back and STFU,then I am cool with it and will hope to see goof amount of profit for us both
Quite a lot old foil capacitors has toxic oils in them. Do not put these random components in acids.
There are many threads dealing with different styles of capacitors here.
Most have little to no value, some do.
Try sorting them and identifying them from these threads or search the net.
It usually are not effective nor safe to process these in small volumes.

What is STFU?

Please use proper and real English in here, since quite a few members rely on translators.
Good luck then.
I took apart some organs in the last weeks and the result was disappointing. Any old desktop PC will yield more PMs in a much more condensed volume and weight. The electronic components are mostly cheap scrap and the capacitors are even dangerous due to their electrolytes.
Rightly so,I found a model 44 Wurlitzer.Was the worthless variety,nichrome wire..this is what is used as well as palladium plated wire in some,and even one with gold plate on 5 wires and the nichrome on rest of them.It and all others beside Model 44 had the gold tip needle contacts same as most conn organs.Though I have found H ,Rt3,Rt2 Hammond's when palladium was high and 10 grams was nice payday,I still would agree that most are not worth as much .Some wurlitzers,Yamaha,gulbransen,and even a conn not for busbars but due to each three leg transistor ..I think what they are...having gold legs ..About 100 or so of them..The 8086 tyoe IC gold cap and legged ,and many other finds I have yet to find in one CPU,and still have not scored the 1000 dollar plus cpu to add up to more than the H tonewheel I found on side of road awaiting the big trash truck back when palladium was about 2700-3000 ounce..But the amount of work in any ewaste recovery when not gathering pure palladium from tonewheels is not any amount that comes easy..Even if stumbled on enough 386 cpus to add up it is work and unfortunate for me most of what is out there is a drop in a bucket that must be full to have enough to recover..I still hold cemented metals from years ago,and have collected 500 lbs or so trying to gather enough to one day have a toll refine done by some professional outfit that will do business on smaller than 20,000 lb scale.Thr majority of companies I have spoken to just shred the material and send it off to be refined overseas.Unless you have karat material it is almost for certain the system is determined to keep throwing small amounts to the landfill by each consumer rather than organize a way to recover the value.I believe this is due to no one person being able to profit from only their devices.That and fact that people rather throw it away than see someone be able to profit from what they give and know that they didnt have the 3000 paid years ago on the cpu that is now selling for 30-40 dollars,or organ that is similar only so heavy they cant throw it easy so they give it in order to have someone haul it away.The only advantage I had was fact the organ was not wanted and they didn't know the value inside