Yellow concentrated Auric?

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Well-known member
May 6, 2012
Hay forum, :)
my latest solution consist of about 400 mls its a golden yellow colour which suggests to me that it doesnt contain that much gold else it would be orange right? but stannous is giving me a really dark purple, black, What gives???
From what I understand, if your solution is pretty clean it can be quite dilute and still show a good reaction for gold. Also the freshness of your stannous maters. The fresher, the better reaction. At least that is how I understand it.
stannous is freshly made today, phil im not exactly sure I found a bunch of ceramic cpus about 45 sitting aside in a jug that must have had ap I forgot about 3 weeks ago in it most of the gold was dissolved i filtered it and hard boiled the black filtrate in hcl 37% before dissolving.
just noticed some minutes ago when ive been heating to remove chlorine some particles i cant make out are settling on bottom
What color are they, and are they clumps or kind of like crystal type structures? Only reason I ask is, I had a similar situation recently when running some ceramic CPU's. They were light brown, almost crystal like clumps. I separated them and just out of curiosity I melted some. They made a little silver bead. I have not tested it, but I know it wasn't gold :lol:
Moo said:
maynman 1751 i used hcl/cl

Then the white precipitate could just be salts from the chlorine. You should filter before precipitating anyway. That should clean out your white. Did you add a couple drops of sulfuric in case of lead?
Thanks no dont have any sulfuric.... this I thought only applied to AR????
Moo said:
Thanks no dont have any sulfuric.... this I thought only applied to AR????

No, not just AR. But if you do not have sulfuric acid what you will need to do is a few extra boiling water rinses of your powder after each refine. Also remember to decant these rinses while the water is still piping hot. Because lead chloride is soluble in very hot water.

What I do is, hard boil the powder for around 30 minutes or so, then reduce the heat just enough to stop boiling but keep the water almost boiling. Keep it like that until all the powder had settled, then carefully decant the very hot water. If you do that a couple of times at the start of each wash cycle and again at the end of each wash cycle, you should be able to rid your powder of most if not all the lead.

Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you
Dropped the solution guys now getting a result with stannous being for platinum, still colour in solution only about 1 gram of powder on the bottom if that ??? guess the remaining gold must still be in the bucket i filtered the solution through, stannous tests negative though can see some gold on the bottom but i would have thought alot more from about 45 cpu dies.
guess the remaining gold must still be in the bucket
I would say you're right about that. You said that the cpus were leaching in AP. I'm thinking that's not the preferred way of processing those. I would incinerate and leach with nitric and then go to AR or I suppose you could just go straight to AR. Get another opinion before you proceed.

Sorry! I should have asked if they are fiber or ceramic cpus? That could drastically change my answer.
the pins on CPU's is iron based. though AP will work, its not the best choice for a couple of reasons. its slow. AP reacts to iron in this fashion, AP dissolves copper, copper cements on iron, AP dissolves copper, copper cements on iron. this cycle will be repeated until all the iron is in solution. the dissolution of the iron pins is fighting with the dissolution of cemented copper. once iron is dissolved into your AP, you cant get it back out. it dissolves as ferrous chloride and then as you bubble air through it, it converts to ferric chloride. ferric chloride is the end of the road for your solution. once its saturated, it has to be processed as waste and cant be re-used.

fiber CPU's can be processed in AR whole but you need to know what to do with them before you start. fiber CPU's is a layer of fiberglass and then a layer of copper foil traces. the traces is what connects the legs to the the dissolution of the pins progress to the point that the solution runs short on either nitrate or hcl, gold will cement on the copper traces inside the base where ever the solution can get in. the copper will SUCK the gold from solution and trap it in the fiber bases. its not a lot of the values but a small percent but when doing a large volume, it will add up. the bases still hold value, in the bonding wires and cemented gold on the copper traces. the bases need to be incinerated, though i wouldnt bring the material to a white hot temperature because the fine gold powder that cemented out could vaporize. just hot enough to remove the resin from the bases will work. break the bases up and run through AR again. this will ensure you get all the values from these types of CPU's.

this is not recommended, im just stating that it can be done this way without loss of values.
Moo said:
Hay forum, :)
my latest solution consist of about 400 mls its a golden yellow colour which suggests to me that it doesnt contain that much gold else it would be orange right? but stannous is giving me a really dark purple, black, What gives???
from what little i know , a dark purple colour is exactly what you want
golden yellow is excellent and usually yield a good amount of dissolved gold... when limonade yellow :mrgreen: is more deceiving... also when i have to much silver chloride dissolve in my gold solution it have the tendency to darker toward red my solution
A deep orange to red is indication of a concentration in gold. But that same solution can be diluted with water to turn a very pale yellow. So color is a poor inidicator of how much gold is in solution.

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