Youtube vid : liquid dissolves gold, no other metals

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Maybe I'm wrong but...To me it looked like he used diluted AR to strip the gold. Then stopped the reaction when he saw the gold was gone, probably dissolving some base metals too. The video was heavily edited to make it look simple but I'm sure there were lots of steps not shown. Would I pay $250 for this info? Not in this lifetime.
I am totally unfamiliar with the cyanide leaching process. I guess the fear of dying has a little something to do with that. Does the cyanide leach give off the brown clouds of fumes? I thought I saw a good bit of brown fumes and made the assumption that it was AR.

I looked at the video again and saw the brown fumes only when it appeared they were dropping the gold, not when they were stripping the gold from the chips and pins. They did show some really pretty gold buttons. I wonder if the book is written in Russian?

I don't know what the origin of the book is...but nevertheless, I will never 250 US$ for that tutorial, unless I know what they exactly do in that video. :p
Like you, I would never consider $250 for a book (possibly written in Russian) to learn how to process gold. I'm fairly certain that it will also dissolve other base metals along with the gold. I also agree, it looks like they removed the pieces after the gold had been dissolved but not all the base metals. Anyhow, I have spent my money purchasing gold recovery and refining articles written by people on the forum and from Ms. Hoke. A sincere thanks to all. I know there must have been many hours going into the production of that information. Who knows, maybe the people selling the gold recovery information for $250 got it all right from this forum. Wouldn't surprise me.
to disolve gold they use cyanide solution.
to precipitate gold ,may be they use acidification method.
Hi, I think that book is from India, and I don't know what this process is but it does not look like AR .
mortung said:
to disolve gold they use cyanide solution.
to precipitate gold ,may be they use acidification method.
maybe im not knowledgable enuf on cyanide ,but isnt that adding acid to cyanide always create the deadly hcn?
ericrm said:
mortung said:
to disolve gold they use cyanide solution.
to precipitate gold ,may be they use acidification method.
maybe im not knowledgable enuf on cyanide ,but isnt that adding acid to cyanide always create the deadly hcn?
Absolutely - very dangerous!!! Also, the gold/cyanide complex is converted to the yellow AuCN, which is insoluble in acids. Bad, bad idea all around.
I know what he use because i am in thailand. He is using cyanide to leach the gold. The precipitate part is AR solution using sodium sulfide to precipitate the gold. He edited the video just to convince thai people to buy his book and video.

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