The following is what I got off the net. I'm not a doctor and you can take what I say with a grain of salt.
If I remember right, beryllium copper is a pale pink color. A much paler color than pure copper. It is amphoteric and is therefore soluble in both acids and alkalies, weak or strong. It's not soluble in water.
All of it's compounds are extremely toxic, when breathing the vapors or when ingested. The metallic dust is moderately toxic, when breathed. The ingestion of bulk beryllium doesn't seem to be very toxic.
Breathing it in is a great danger as it causes berylliosis, a form of pneumonia.
The highest beryllium content I could find in beryllium copper is 2.7%.
From all this, I wouldn't burn it, grind it, or melt it. I may not dissolve it. In solid form, it doesn't seem to be hazardous but, who am I to know?
Do your own research and make your own decisions.
The difference, as I understand, between something that is very toxic and something that is, say, moderately toxic, is the amount of the material you can take into your body before it kills you. The toxicity is usually given as LD50. This is the amount of a substance that a group of average weight people can each ingest to produce a death rate of 50% in the group. Everything has an LD50. Even water. I think I read once that the LD50 for water was 35 pounds. Marijuana was also listed and I seem to remember its LD50 was around 40-45 pounds. I know it was higher than water.