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Gold Refining Forum

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  1. Yggdrasil

    Sodium Chlorate /HCl for mixed PGMs

    After considarating, I have to clarify, maybe it will not work well on Rh, I really do not know.
  2. Yggdrasil

    Sodium Chlorate /HCl for mixed PGMs

    HCl/ Peroxide and HCl/pool chlorine works well on PGMs as well, as long as they are finely divided powders.
  3. O

    Large Volume vs. Small Volume CAT Processing

    ...anhydrous liquid hydrocyanic acid as reagent. HCN gas produced strange taste on the tongue while smoking, serving as an alert of leak or faulty hood even in concentrations unnoticeable by smell... It was year 1907. We moved far away from this :) If one was about to plan the synthesis now...
  4. S

    Making my own Fume Hood!

    What kind of sealant is use to seal the seams in a fume hood
  5. J

    First fume hood with scrubber

    The scrubber and exhaust system look good, how did you design them? I'm also looking to build a fume hood and am looking for advice before starting. Any other good threads that you looked at?
  6. Martijn

    Does copper only knock out gold or does it also knock out silver?

    ...processes, perform the acquaintance tests which are relevant to your situation from Hoke's book. This can be done without scrubbing in the fume hood. That tiny amount of gas will be dispersed with the airflow of the fume hood. No need to play around with test scrubbers imo. You do need to...
  7. Finmad

    medical fume hood

    I have been offered a pharmacy fume hood for free, will it work for moving my operation inside? I am a hobbyist refining silver with Nitric Acid, a couple of kilo a month. right now, I do the silver outside and off gas the NO2 completely before precipitating the silver our of solution using...
  8. Yggdrasil

    problem of extracting gold from cyanide solution

    This sounds dangerous. Have you measured the free CN? There are meters for this.
  9. J

    Weird thing happening

    Thank you for your explanation of the situation. This was the rinse the day before with some silver flow over. It had settled out over night, during the day some of the sediment started floating to within a inch of the surface. I noticed that as the temperature lowered so did the suspended...
  10. Ó

    Does copper only knock out gold or does it also knock out silver?

    I'm reading the book and I want to ask about the released gases! Hoke writes that we should use a fan or hood if we work in a workshop, but regardless, it gets into the air and poisons others. What can be done with it?
  11. N


    ...and so easily exchanged or sold. When you feel ready to start your recovery and refining I would suggest test tube sized trials inside a fume hood to get you used to the reactions and to limit any failures , with a chemistry background you have a head start on many here on the forum including...
  12. P

    Reducing agents for PGMs a salt. Not sure if it would if it is in solution. But you could probablly drop the palladium as ammonium chloropalladate at high acid with a good selectivity over tin, filter it then reduce it with either of those gases or burn it. Make sure you have a good hood and gas monitor if you try...
  13. J

    Looking for info on cyanide leaching for plated items.

    Dont worry, Ive had my share of learnings from seniors like you. Ill build a small fumehood along with a scrubber. Will do my proper research and make notes. Will ask as many questions along the way to clarify and ensure that the process is carried out safely and smoothly.
  14. S

    Making my own Fume Hood!

    ...I figured this out after the fact. Biggest reason I'm moving it is I need the space so I can set up an assay lab and jewelry studio. Assay hood will be tiny and blower will be set up with a VFD so I can seal it up tight and just keep a negative pressure on it. When I started out I didn't...
  15. Justincase

    Buying a fume hood

    Just watch the industrial auctions, very good fume hoods come up all the time for peanuts. If you want a top-of-the-line unit for a fraction of the new price you just have to be patent.
  16. K

    New with a few safety questions first attempt for the following reasons. 1) I plan on doing all of my work outside which is always recommended if one doesn't have a fume hood. I plan on processing a few oz./month of karat gold and occasionally gold filled material and maybe running a small silver cell. Would it be a...
  17. 4metals

    Making my own Fume Hood!

    Here in the US, hood exhaust is called fugitive emission because the only bad fumes the blower sees is what escapes the scrubber or is emitted when you pour acids or do general in hood tasks. Don't make the mistake of going too small, make a hood with an opening at least 4 feet wide and 3 feet...
  18. Yggdrasil

    Aqua Regia attempt

    You are the first I have heard complaining about Iphone compability issues, so it may be something with your service provider or local settings.
  19. GoIdman

    Electronic boards from cellphone and computer

    ...gases were lit on fire and burned (wasn`t under pressure just like a lighter when lit) and still the smell was unbearable even outside with a hood over the coocker to evacuate false gases. 2) PCBs were fully pyrolized to the point that all fiberglass was burnt and the copper traces could be...
  20. 4metals

    Hi, I’m Skeeter8154

    There is a difference between commercial labs and refineries. I have seen many times how poorly those enameled steel hood interiors degrade with time. I would stick with either fiberglassed plywood (if you are good enough with fiberglass to seal it completely) or PVC. Another novel...
  21. G

    sulfuric stripping cell: My basket got eaten What did I do wrong.

    Thanks Martijn really useful info again. I am doing this all in the fume hood so the off gasses are getting removed and diluted straight away. Just to be clear as watts is simply volts x amps and the voltage in the circuit is variable, then watts can provide a better reflection of the actual...
  22. L

    I'm just beginner please help me.

    According to what said, the mud is soluble in HCl. Take a sample under hood, add HCl, heat. See if brown particles remain...
  23. Yggdrasil

    Accomplished nothing so far

    Your description of your process confuses me. So please can you explain in detail what you have done? 1. You broke down the computers into pieces. 2.??? Did you sort out the different material? What did you do with the CPU, the ram sticks, the Motherboards etc. ? Just a short clarification...
  24. L

    Palladium jackpot?

    A more exact definition is needed for "red hot" since palladium can absorb oxygen and become black oxide coated on cooling from high temperature especially if partly melted
  25. S


    ...and preparing for another batch. Mainly I am searching now for a source of raw material to work with. Here’s a picture of what I managed so far, along with a fume hood i built from scratch. I plan adding some lights and power outlets to the fume hood soon. As well as some other improvements
  26. 4metals

    Does anyone know what these are?

    ...with hot water. This is to remove the cyanide from the solids. Collect the rinses and put them with the solution collected earlier. While a hood is not necessary for the first steps, it doesn’t hurt. The following steps however, MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN A FUME HOOD! Add a small amount of nitric...
  27. G

    Waste treatment system at Gold Refinery

    We have not glassware and fume hood
  28. Radium

    Howdy I stumbled upon this forum while researching bench scale fume scrubbers. Reading old threads on DIY acid scrubbers and fume hoods has been quite helpful. I had a few lingering questions, so I figured I could join the forum to pose a few questions to the members. I am not a gold...
  29. Liquidau

    Depopulating Fumes

    I’ve seen lots of scrubber designs and suggestions for fume hood scrubbing of acid fumes, but can’t find anything about capturing and treating the fumes coming off a PCB depopulating machine. Can an expert please weigh in and advise the general design specs for this? Thanks in advance.