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>200lbs lot of gold fingers scrap for sell or refining

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Smack said:
Even if I was given this material for free, I would pass on processing it myself. I have done some in the past and it's just crap material. This material would go in one of my Gaylord boxes bound for the refiner. I don't have any pictures of what I had but it was similar to what he has in the pictures. Just looked in my journal, I did a test batch of 7 lbs. and got 2g. Au.

Hummm, I'd never call someone's material crap. I'm sure he could make very good money by just listing it on E-Bay. Crap? I doubt it.
1.82 g per 5 pound lot. Same material. I did a 5 pound lot out of the 7.3 pounds pictured. No foils, only sheen. I had 300 pounds of the green and gold material in your picture as well. Sold it as a lot for the customer as it was not worth the effort to recover. I have also seen samples at several escrap yards. Seems this stuff is everywhere. My yield numbers are solid.








It can be very disappointing to see real process and results. I mean they look very nice and rich. It seems that there must be a lot of gold in that big pile of them. But we see it every time when doing fingers. Foils in filter or bucket look like nice chunk of gold yet when all is said and done and gold melted, button look several times smaller than foils looked before or our expectation.
Why would anyone pass on these? Well it took 1.3 liters of nitric and 1.3 liters of water for the 5 pounds. (there is a lot of copper and nickel) 2.6 liters of copper/nickel waste. The work to separate the sheen from the fiberglass stock is considerable, even with mechanical means. Then the rinse water (distilled) 3-1/2 gallons. Although the rinse water can be reused over and over, it will need to be added to. 200 pounds would require almost 100 liters of nitric/water solution or more- all waste to be treated and disposed of. A guess at the time involved would be at least 2 weeks steady maybe more. Then there is 200 pounds of fiberglass to dispose of. Even at a high percentage for toll refining, there is nothing in it for the refiner.

A 55 gallon drum of A/P would be viable, if there was a good and steady supply and you could get HCL really cheap. It would still be massive work for minimal gains.
I have done some almost exactly like them to and my numbers were not so stellar. They ran anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 gram/ lb. I don't accept them anymore because it is not profitable. I would have to charge 75% and run god knows how many lbs just to see a profit on a small scale. The only way i could think of would be a plastic cement mixer and cyanide. Steve might be able to help you out.
Wow, you guys are right, it's not crap, it's some really nice stuff. Knock yourself out on it. There, I have submitted...Good Luck!
In all fairness, It is not crap material, it is just not viable for a small scale refiner to run and still make a profit. It needs bulk processing on a larger scale, just like motherboards and ram.
Any gold is good gold, but just like mining you have to have high enough concentrations and an extraction method to make it cost feasible. Just knowing gold is present doesn't mean it is present in profitable amounts.
I would pass on this type of scrap as well for several of the same reasons mentioned above.

It all comes down to how much free time you have to spend and what your time is worth to you. I can process other higher grade scrap in the same amount of time as this lot would require and make a much better return for the same effort, chemical costs, and waste. If you have nothing better to do, these would be worth running as a personal lot, but to run these for a percentage would not be cost effective for the refiner or the owner in my opinion unless you have nothing better to do.

Ebay would be the best route in my opinion.

Seller did extremely good on them, that is what is called unhealthy profit lol.
For buyer, hmmm what to say, maybe just this......


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E-bay is the way to go one those. As long as the seller represents the product in a truthful manner, if the buyers over pay, so be it. It happens all the time in the auction world, not just on gold bearing scrap. Good for him, list more!
What do you guys think about these clips that i've got? :roll: Only one side is gold plated.


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g_axelsson said:
adarnametal said:
@ macfixer01 : the plating looks very homogenous on the eye, and thick, when i tried to pull it away with a knife from a test piece, it detaches in one piece of resistant and reasonably thick golded foil. To compare that foil is much stronger than an alu foil piece. I had seen low quality plating before and it went out in powder, so this looks like good / very good quality. Maybe i could update a clear photo of that too tomorrow. If i knew more about the original use of the boards we'd be able to know more i'm sure.

The foil you pulled off the board ins't pure gold. It is a base consisting of copper with nickel plating on top and then a thin gold layer on top of this. The gold plating is probably so thin it would break up in smaller pieces if you dissolve the copper and nickel layers. What you tested was the strength of the copper foil.

From the pictures it looks like you have the frames from the PCB panels, the pieces that is left after the pcb:s was taken out. It looks like flash plating to me and then it would be very little gold on the surface.

The best way to decide the thickness of the plating is to refine a representative test batch and measure yield.


That's true Göran but I understand what's he's saying here. It's only a way to quickly identify really poor boards of course. However I've had some HP boards (with all traces plated) where when you tried to peel a trace the gold just turned to dust and you could see the nickel underneath. Obviously on those boards the plating was extremely thin. On other identical-looking HP boards (maybe made by a different subcontractor or in a different year), the traces peel off with the gold fully intact, so the plating would seem to be somewhat thicker? Again it doesn't tell you how good the rest of the boards are, it only helps identify the poor quality boards.

glondor said:
I think these are in the (POINT) .35 grams per pound range. A batch of very similar (same)material yielded 1.8 g per 5 pound batch. The customer also had hundreds of pounds available. Was not satisfied with actual yield. Don't get golden eyes. Is this material in the Toronto area?

I refined a huge batch of thee recently and the trimmings yields were 0.41 grams per pound.

exact same material shown in this post.


It should be noted that this person (realone414 --- Shane Alexander Morn, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,) has been convicted of theft, and has been accused of not making a settlement on toll refining. Do business with him at your own risk.

I have a friend who got 2 tons of these exact boards and they were completely worthless. Matter of fact, they were stripped of the gold and spray painted. One of the worst experiences I have ever had.
realone414 said:
I have a friend who got 2 tons of these exact boards and they were completely worthless. Matter of fact, they were stripped of the gold and spray painted. One of the worst experiences I have ever had.

That's a joke, right?
We had several "members" here which were seeking for help in their quest to get rich quick on ebay. Some were trying to get grip on gold plating, to use as little gold as possible to plate it on few pounds of pins which were destined to sell as super-hi-grade-mill-spec-nasa material. Some of them may as well ventured in gold/spray/painting lol...

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