7.75 lbs fingers, processed with AR

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I did not measure it,but it wasn't much,maybe 200ml on the first dissolution,and 1 cup of sodium nitrate on the second.
I use a fish tank bubbler in my ap also. With the weather warming up it seems like its really accelerating the stripping process.
I have a concert tonight,so I will miss the 8pm deadline.I won't be home until about 3am,but I will have my daughter keep checking the forum and post when it is over.
I will post the pictures and results tomorrow when I get up.
shadybear said:
now that i see the picture it is probably closer to barrens estimate 16 to 20 grams

That’s what i'm going by. Lot of board in those 7.75 lbs. I think i saw some soldier in there to. Some fingers looked lean also. I might be totally off base here, but my gut and observations tell me to roll with that. I would say 14 to 16, but i had to pick a number and i always figure on the low side. That way for me i have room for error. Anything extra is a added bonus. It's my way of keeping myself honest as to realistic yields.
My dad just called and said the contest is now over.He said to tell everyone to have a good night and he will be on here tomorrow after he wakes up.
In my haste to get to the concert yesterday,I did not clean the powder well enough,so the button is being redissolved.I have an idea of the weight,but it is pretty close to a couple of different guesses,so I will wait until it is completely done,and looking good before I post it.I will say this much,those of you that said 16 grams +/-.......weren't even close.
I thought you guys would get a kick out of this.
In the midway point of dissolution,I seperated the remaining elemental gold,from the solution and proceeded with cleaning the powder and melting.I got an awesome pic in the middle of melting that I wanted to share at this time.I am still dissolving the rest of the original button.


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Ok here is the nugget so far.I still have powder that needs to be dropped,and cleaned.I will drop it and wash it later tonight or in the morning,
As of right now,anyone that guessed 19.2 grams or below,is out of the running.I suspect there is another 6-8 grams,so the end result should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 26 grams,BUT we will all just have to wait and see.


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