I apologize about leaving this open ended. Some circumstances has developed that has put my "hobby" on hold for right now. There was an accidental shooting on my property. Even though no one was seriously injured (unless you consider getting shot in the leg serious), the city code enforcement officer has an issue with me. The road I live on is divided. One side (my side) is city and across the street is county. The code enforcement officer, I think I'll just call him Mr. Pencilneck, told me he wanted to make an example out of my property. No buckets, nothing that will catch rain, no scrap, no boards, no loose lumber and both my sheds have to go because they are in a "dilapidated condition" and are not city code compliant. I must remove all the items on his list in 30 days or a warrant will be issued for my arrest and the city will clean it up and i have to stay in jail until the cleanup is paid for.
Some of you already know some of this, but please dont be concerned, I've dealt with his kind before. I've rented a storage unit for the time being to hold all my boards, buckets and barrels. After the list is completed and he signs off on the clean up, im bringing it all back.
I bought a metal shed from Lowe's and will wait until he's satisfied to put it up. If i have to, I'll build a privacy fence that cant be seen over. Wonder what Mr. Pencilneck will find to mess with me about next time.