Acid peroxide and gold filled question

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New member
Jun 30, 2011
i've searched for about a week without finding a definitive answer, all over this website, steve's, and

my main problem was lack of nitric acid and its costs. i should have just spent the $150 on the 2.5L on amazon.

i have +-200 grams of gold filled in a vessel with 2:1 mix of 31% HCL and 3% H202. it is constantly being agitated and oxygenated by an aquarium bubbler. i can see (clear glass vessel) that the gold is coming off both in flakes and (i'm assuming) dissolving into the solution itself. because of the low gold content of gold filled, my question is,

a) should i let the gold filled items slowly dissolve until most of the gold layering is gone, then continue to wait until the copper saturates the solution and precipitates the gold out automatically?


b) wait till most of the gold is pulled off of the gold filled items, filter, precip with SMB, and further refine with AR?


c) swap it to electrolytic cell with concentrated h2so4 and pull rest of gold off electrochemically?

either way, i plan on filtering the AP solution to catch gold flakes and etc, then further refining in poor mans AR and precip pure gold. also am going to test the AP with stannous for gold content(which it will most likely have some gold), and precip with SMB, then AR, precip, and refine.
Gold should not dissolve in A/P if
the concentrations are normal.
It should appear as flakes, depending
on the complementary metal, no need
to precipitate
Small amounts of gold can dissolve or go into your ap solution. You can push it back out by saturation of copper. My spent ap solutions have been a transparent brown. I have taken gold flakes into a (new ap) solution and they acted as if it was hcl/cl.