Latest update and a couple of questions.
Bye the way Göran, that bumper could have looked fantastic, pity he didn't manage to get all of it done.
Here is a wrap up of where things are just now.
This is the paper after filtering the Chloroauric acid through. The paper is slightly yellow as it evidently absorbed some of the Au2Cl6 so I’m keeping that (will need to work out what to do with my filter papers I’m keeping at a later date). I’m not sure whether the filtrate is worth keeping – some bits of shiny/glassy silica evidently in there but I’m not sure what else. A very fine silvery/grey dried substance as you can see.
The second picture is the sum-total of everything so far. You can see the Chloroauric acid on the left. The two Florence flasks contain HCL that had been used to wash the results of the AP a couple of times after filtering that from the original chips. On the right are three bottles (yes I am waiting for some labels to be delivered so it is clear that these contain chemicals, at the moment they are kept well out of the way in my garage). These contain the Cuprous Chloride left over from my AP/bubbling of the chips.
When I do another AP batch, I intend to add the HCL washes to the CuCl to help kick start it with the new batch of recovery materials. Hopefully I won’t need to use any H2O2 if I’ve already got the CuCl to start it off, just an oxygen bubbler.
Third and fourth pictures are of Sulfamic Acid and Tin Chloride (Stannous Chloride) Crystals.
This is how I intend to proceed.
Make some Stannous Chloride testing solution (I will make the bare minimum I can as I won’t have large quantities to test over the forthcoming months/years )
Add two grams of SnCl2 into a small vial/glass tube. Add two to three mills of H2O. Then add HLC *I have 36% conc), about 7-10 mils to start (then one to two drops a time after that). Keeping the vial under a hot running tap, agitate/mix/dissolve the SnCl2. Keep adding HCL until all crystals are dissolved.
Use a drop of each of the three liquids (see pic) on a white tissue followed by a drop of the stannous solution to test for gold. I’m sure that I have the Au2Cl6 in the left hand jar. This is more as a test of principle and to give me some practice on uses of the Stannous.
I suspect that I have around two grams of Au in the Chloroauric Acid and I used 50ml of HCL to make the Aqua Regia (I know, far too much – one mistake I won’t make again)– on a simple calculation I’ll have somewhere between 45-50 mils of the HNO3 to neutralise before I can move to drop the gold out of solution.
Dissolve 75grams of the Sulphamic acid in HCL (or would H2O be just as good?, or just mixing directly into the solution without dissolving?) until fully dissolved and then add a few ml at a time to the auric acid until no further reaction. 75 grams is on the basis that it will take approx. 1.5g of Sulphamic acid to rid 1ml of Nitric acid out of the solution. After this move to SMB.
Any thoughts or comments on these next steps/approaches?.
Regards - Russell