Anyone has experience with rhenium reclamation?

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Aug 16, 2011

Has anyone experience with rhenium reclamation from solution?
I've got solution containing approx. 1-2g/litre of rhenium as rhenium nitrate and possibly perrhenic acid, and am wondering, whether it would be worth the effort to reclaim rhenium from the solution(as i currently have no idea how to :) )

Also, Has anyone practical experince as what does hydrochloric acid do with 30Cu30Sn40Pb alloy? My guess is that it should slowly eat away Pb and Sn, leaving Cu sponge behind. Can someone confirm or refute?

Thanks for any advice
Best Regards
Ok, if HCL dosen't attack copper? Why or should I say how is copper used to cement out PGMS ? Does it not go into solution, on an ionic level to displace PGMS. Sorry if this is a stup question, Its been awhile since I took college chemistery. Maybe its time for a little lesson.. Thanks
awbrew said:
Ok, if HCL dosen't attack copper? Why or should I say how is copper used to cement out PGMS ? Does it not go into solution, on an ionic level to displace PGMS. Sorry if this is a stup question, Its been awhile since I took college chemistery. Maybe its time for a little lesson.. Thanks
Speaking from the position of a guy with no education, there's an electron exchange between the copper and the values in solution. Copper gives up the electron, which is picked up by the dissolved value, causing it to revert to its elemental state. The copper atom that gives up the electron is dissolved in the process.

I am open to correction. As I said, I am not schooled in chemistry.

awbrew said:
Ok, if HCL dosen't attack copper? Why or should I say how is copper used to cement out PGMS ? Does it not go into solution, on an ionic level to displace PGMS. Sorry if this is a stup question, Its been awhile since I took college chemistery. Maybe its time for a little lesson.. Thanks

You can take Chemistry courses at MIT's website. You can take most if not all of their chemistry instruction, classes, discussions and lectures. I am currently, slowly, making my way through the chemistry courses myself. If you are serious about beefing up your chemistry knowledge, that may be just what you are looking for.

There are many other courses they also have, all online, all free.

Here is the link
I should take those courses myself, i'm more of a trained monkey, than anything near chemist :)

Best Regards

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