anyone want to walk me through a couple prosesses?

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Nov 11, 2008
Perham MN
I kinda made a mess of my first runs, so figure to set them aside and do a ceramic AMD Athion CPU. Yep just the one, figure to get it right once first, then move on.

thanks in advance


Do you have any circuit board fingers?

They would be the simplest first batch to do.

About 500 grams worth would give you enough raw material to work with and yield a visible button in the end.

lazersteve said:

Do you have any circuit board fingers?

They would be the simplest first batch to do.

About 500 grams worth would give you enough raw material to work with and yield a visible button in the end.


yes I do, they need to be trimmed yet. Still selecting the best option. I saw a post about using a tile saw, this looked interesting and i have one. Should have time tomorrow (Sunday) to get them ready. If anyone has any suggestions along the way...
For trimming fingers I have an old jig saw ($3 at yardsale) fastened to the bottom of a piece of plywood, trims them right up. I have heard of others using an old heavy duty paper cutter, but I have not tried it.

As mentioned you really do want to use a respirator.
buynselljewelry said:
Yep just the one, figure to get it right once first, then move on.
I'd suggest you follow Steve's advice where your inexperience is concerned. If you run just one item, the yield may be so small that you will have great difficulty dealing with the lack of volume.

Remember----as long as you don't discard anything, you can recover from bad experiences. As your skills improve, you'll see ways to accomplish most any task. I also encourage you to study Hoke, if you haven't already. Much of what you learn from her will lend itself to making wise decisions on how to handle future problems, in spite of the fact that she doesn't discuss processing e scrap.


The quickest way to trim a small lot of fingers is using a pair of tin snips (sheet metal snips). They make very short work of the card edges and produce a very close, clean cut.

lazersteve said:

The quickest way to trim a small lot of fingers is using a pair of tin snips (sheet metal snips). They make very short work of the card edges and produce a very close, clean cut.


yep, this did the job great! unfortunately I was only able to come up with about 200 grams worth of trimmings, takes more than I thought. I'll come up with some more this week and let ya know so we can proceed. Thanks all.

From the 1.2 kg of fingers i was able to get, I yielded about 5 grams of gold, still waiting to be melted.

Your 200g of fingers could produce up to 1 gram of gold. Although the value of the gold is low, the value of learning the process is priceless. You should check steve's website on use the AP method for fingers, the videos are very detailed and wont leave you hanging. He starts you with how to trim all the way to melting. Many of us started with this method so all of us can help you out when needed.

Good luck and happy gold hunting.

FYI do not toss any of the boards after you get the fingers off. Some of the boards still hold more gold, palladium, and possibly platinum. If you do a search for components types and values, you can squeeze more blood out of that turnip.

I try to provide good information at a fair price.

Unfortunately the site and equipment to produce the videos cost me money and time, so I must have donations to keep producing the videos.

If you find the videos useful please do your part to keep the site active and donate. :wink:

To make matters worse information like mine is constantly be copied and resold by copy cats at a marked up rate. In my opinion there's nothing worse than this type of plagiarism. This forces me to use management software to track my videos which in turn cost me more money. To bad there are dishonest folks out there that do this sort of thing, the world would be a much better place if they were just honest like most everyone else.

If you like the web videos you'll love the DVDs, you should buy them to help support my site.

lazersteve said:

I try to provide good information at a fair price.

Unfortunately the site and equipment to produce the videos cost me money and time, so I must have donations to keep producing the videos.

If you find the videos useful please do your part to keep the site active and donate. :wink:

To make matters worse information like mine is constantly be copied and resold by copy cats at a marked up rate. In my opinion there's nothing worse than this type of plagiarism. This forces me to use management software to track my videos which in turn cost me more money. To bad there are dishonest folks out there that do this sort of thing, the world would be a much better place if they were just honest like most everyone else.

If you like the web videos you'll love the DVDs, you should buy them to help support my site.


I will be :)

buynselljewelry said:
lazersteve said:

The quickest way to trim a small lot of fingers is using a pair of tin snips (sheet metal snips). They make very short work of the card edges and produce a very close, clean cut.


yep, this did the job great! unfortunately I was only able to come up with about 200 grams worth of trimmings, takes more than I thought. I'll come up with some more this week and let ya know so we can proceed. Thanks all.


ok, got more fingers ready and watched the vids plan to get started this evening after one more go of the video action. I'll keep in touch
buynselljewelry said:
lazersteve said:

The quickest way to trim a small lot of fingers is using a pair of tin snips (sheet metal snips). They make very short work of the card edges and produce a very close, clean cut.


yep, this did the job great! unfortunately I was only able to come up with about 200 grams worth of trimmings, takes more than I thought. I'll come up with some more this week and let ya know so we can proceed. Thanks all.


ok, got more fingers ready and watched the vids plan to get started this evening after one more go of the video action. I'll keep in touch, things will be getting good now ;)

lazersteve said:

I try to provide good information at a fair price.

Unfortunately the site and equipment to produce the videos cost me money and time, so I must have donations to keep producing the videos.

If you find the videos useful please do your part to keep the site active and donate. :wink:

To make matters worse information like mine is constantly be copied and resold by copy cats at a marked up rate. In my opinion there's nothing worse than this type of plagiarism. This forces me to use management software to track my videos which in turn cost me more money. To bad there are dishonest folks out there that do this sort of thing, the world would be a much better place if they were just honest like most everyone else.

If you like the web videos you'll love the DVDs, you should buy them to help support my site.

everything went GREAT! after watching the vids. My son and I A/P'ed 480 grams of fingers, the resulting mash ball is nearly the size of a walnut. AWESOME!!! thanks Steve for the information.
Hey Brian, The fun begins when you put that walnut into solution :wink: That is the coolest part watching it tranform, multiple times!!!! :D
draftinu said:
Hey Brian, The fun begins when you put that walnut into solution :wink: That is the coolest part watching it tranform, multiple times!!!! :D

I have a bunch of slot processors I want to clean up before moving onto this stage, to add the gold from these as well. Soooo, the next thing is to learn this. :)

Also you can put them in a vise and break them in a pretty even line. Also on Steves video.
Wear gloves when you do it though.

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