The basic steps for processing IC chips
1) incineration to turn the epoxy housing to carbon/ash
2) milling to turn the carbon/ash to fine powder
3) magnet to remove Kovar leads
4) sifting through 80 mesh or 100 mesh screen to remove larger copper leads (some smaller copper leads will go though sifting screen - silicon dies & other large stuff including but not limited to carbon that did not fully mill to fine powder - so likely some re-milling
5) washing off most carbon/ash to get concentrates (panning, blue bowl, sluice box, concentrator table) not all carbon will wash off - so ----
6) re-incineration of concentrates to turn remaining carbon to ash
7) nitric leach to remove copper that made it through the above (or you can do nitric leach after step 5)
8) then you can ether AR leach the concentrate - or - smelt the concentrates
Outside of that - processing IC chips has been discussed extensively on this form --- so you can do your own research using key words - IC Chips - incineration - milling - ball milling - bonding wires - concentrator table - etc. & you will find a HUGE amount of info posted by me & others about processing IC chips
Part of the process - is doing your own research (that is how I learned)
In other words - (& I am sorry if this sounds rude - it's not meant to be) but there is no need for me to post another long & detailed post about how to process IC chips - because - there is already a HUGE amount of info here on the forum that has been discussed EXTENSIVELY