AP ...then AR??

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Active member
Jan 16, 2009
This may be a massive amount of overkill (or maybe a way of higher purity gold?), but......
I did AP on a bunch of header pins/connector pins and got a couple coffee filters full of gold & whatever. I'm guessing probably some tin and/or silver maybe? Anyway, I have probably about 1000 grams of fingers and about 12 SPARC processors (with gold plated front & backplates) that I was wanting to do AP on as well. I'm guessing that I'll probably get somewhat dirty gold foils and such.
Would it be a good idea to do AR on the material I previously had in the coffee filters & whatever I get from the fingers & processors? Would it be a "cleaner" solution to drop gold out of?
I had planned on doing the AP/acid bleach method to recover the gold, but after seeing the AR method it looks much easier/quicker. Any suggestions would be appreciated?
rontrusi said:
Would it be a good idea to do AR on the material I previously had in the coffee filters & whatever I get from the fingers & processors? Would it be a "cleaner" solution to drop gold out of?
I did all of my refining with commercially prepared acids, so I can't respond from the position of experience when comparing results using AR as opposed to alternate methods, but I'm of the opinion that how you dissolve the values will likely make little difference in the outcome in the way of quality. The exception would be if less of the unwanted material was dissolved along with the gold. Of that I have serious doubts.

Eliminate everything you can prior to dissolving the values, then filter well. If the gold comes down less than acceptable, a second refining will do wonders towards eliminating the unwanted traces. By then, you're working with a solution that is contaminated with far less in the way of unwanted materials, so drag down is minimal. Be certain to wash your precipitated gold well in all cases. It's really key to achieving acceptable results.

you will most likely have tin, lead, maybe copper chloride,along with other base metals, so these should be eliminated, for best results.aqua regia works well, but is a little more work than the HCl/Bleach,because of the nitric acid.and a little more money for reagents.

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