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Cool down and reread my post of 2:13 pm, the one you are hot about. In it, you will find mostly complements.

Added later: I really didn't rewrite it. Someone posted in between, just like it happened to you. It was truly a misunderstanding. Sorry.

My final comment

Editing the reply to Harold where you took your cheap shot at me, without leaving in the original support for Harold's pot shots at me post immediately after he wrote them before mine got posted is an rank amateur stunt.

I saw your first post, and yes, it was anything but complimentary. I'm not fooled for a minute by your re-write which is currently posted.

You're damn straight I'm hot. Peace my ass. Man up and just say, my bad, Chris. You'll get more respect if you do.

If you want to respond, go ahead...after all, you just proved you are the last liar refiner in here.
I just arrived at the house form my 35 mile commute home and all h*ll has broke loose. What did I miss? I thought we were all discussing gold dissolution processes like adults when I left work !

I want to remind everyone that we are all on the same team.

This is about the community sharing ideas and experiences not who's smarter or who's the best refiner. Obviuosly all of you guys take great pride in your work and that's a good thing, but there's no reason to go at each other over any topic. A healthy debate is one thing, but to behave without regard for the other members is foolish.

I'm not anyone's property except maybe my wife's :lol:

I'll learn what I can from anyone more experienced or not, without prejudice or bias. Good information is good information regardless of the source. It's when you close your mind that you can learn no more. Remember the other forum members will be reading this as well and the way you each of you present yourselves here will be seen by them. Let's not give them any reasons to take sides. That would definitely undermine the entire idea of this forum.

If you get ticked off at what someone has said, take a minute and breathe before jumping in and firing back. It takes a bigger man to turn the other cheek.
