AR Acid Calculator

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
Not exactly sure where to post this, so.....

As much as i have learned from this place i figured it wouldnt hurt to give a little back. i wrote a simple program to calculate the amount of Hcl & Hno3 acids required (based on Hoke's method with a 1:4 ratio). the Direct Link is: ( (case sensitive)). currently it only displays mL/L values & can handle grams & troy ounces.

if you like it let me know, any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Somebody let me know how that file turns out before i open it. :p
No offense but your name is I got you.
actually its i GUT ya. its my battlefield 2 gaming profile =) u can view my stats at the main page i totally understand. im VERY cautious about dlin random crap.
IGutYa said:
actually its i GUT ya. its my battlefield 2 gaming profile =) u can view my stats at the main page i totally understand. im VERY cautious about dlin random crap.

I don't know whether to be concerned now or just very afraid. :twisted:
Just kidding you. Thanks for the file. Anybody check it yet ? :shock:
Nice little program, I have found using 5:1 AR dissolves 7.5 ounces of karat. 4:1 uses more nitric and you have to take steps to remove it before dropping the gold. Very nice program, perhaps the option to choose a ratio would put this in a refiners toolbox.
4metals said:
Nice little program, I have found using 5:1 AR dissolves 7.5 ounces of karat. 4:1 uses more nitric and you have to take steps to remove it before dropping the gold. Very nice program, perhaps the option to choose a ratio would put this in a refiners toolbox.

ok, shoulda done it right the first time haha. re-wrote it now with a 1:1 - 1:10 slider bar to calculate the Hcl. the same link is where the update is at.

NOW, if there is anything else it could use??? =)

Thanks for any input.
Very nice thanks for the original and the changes, I can picture this helping a lot of refiners. Now I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth but if there are any jewelers out there they work in pennyweights (dwt) that option may be helpful to some. A pennyweight is 1/20th of a troy ounce.

Very nice neat looking simple to use program. (although probably not simple to generate)

Thanks again
I thought I posted a reply to this thread earlier today that's strange?

Is there another copy of this thread on the forum?

Found it!

Somehow I posted it to the wrong thread? :oops:


Welcome to the forum.

Some folks use sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate as opposed to nitric acid for their AR. It would be of great benefit to add a column for the required amount of sodium nitrate in the mix as opposed to 70% nitric acid required.

In case you are not chemically proficient :

1L of 70% HNO3 contains 15.9 Moles of HNO3

15.9 Moles of NaNO3 is 15.9 m x 85 g/m = 1351.5 g of solid sodium nitrate.

for those using potassium nitrate the theoretical equivalent weight of KNO3 required to make 1L of 70% HNO3 is:

15.9 m x 101.1 g/m = 1607.49 g of solid KNO3

One last important aspect of using the nitrate salts is the solubility of the salt in water:

NaNO3 = 921 g / L @25 C : 1810 g/ L @ 100C

KNO3 = 360 g / L at 25C : 2470 g /L @ 100C

I made a spreadsheet with all this data in it a few years back, but had a hard drive crash and lost it. In mine I included a selection list for the metal to be dissolved, the source of the nitrate (HNO3 or KNO3, or NaNO3) , and the amount of HCl required based upon initial percentage of gold present. The output was the required volumes and/or masses of the reagents and the resulting theoretical yield of refined gold.

4metals said:
Very nice thanks for the original and the changes, I can picture this helping a lot of refiners. Now I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth but if there are any jewelers out there they work in pennyweights (dwt) that option may be helpful to some. A pennyweight is 1/20th of a troy ounce.

Very nice neat looking simple to use program. (although probably not simple to generate)

Thanks again

Thank you very much for the input, ill toss it in there this evening. i knew there was another weight i was missing.

the code is rather simple, i can post it if you would like. took a total of about 30 minutes to make from start to finish. thats including bug testing & the updates thus far.
lazersteve said:
In case you are not chemically proficient....

Yea that would be my biggest downfall, i come up short on chemistry knowledge. however, if you post (like you did) all the required math i can easily throw it together into the program & post an update.

as that was how i made the original...

again thanks everyone for your suggestions, as i myself am now starting into the gold recovery/refining adventure & I Hate doing math by hand. haha.

oh and does anyone have the math for how much sulfuric acid to kno3 it takes to make hno3?? (for distillation). just another one i myself would like to add in.
I don't like making exe's for distribution, unless it's absolutely necessary.

For this reason when I remake my calculator it will be all web based.

lazersteve said:
I don't like making exe's for distribution, unless it's absolutely necessary.

For this reason when I remake my calculator it will be all web based.


i suck at html & spreadsheets. u want a copy of the source? its small enough to put in a post if you would like?
That all right, I own a licensed copy of VS2K8, and your form design is very straight forward.

I'll write my new version in php or .NET. I've grown used to designing web apps now days. I guess I'm hooked on their portability and cross platform functionality.

Ultimately, I want a calculator that allows me to put in the type of starting metal(s) , it's mass, and the reagents being used, then output the required reagent volumes, required solvent volume, and masses for the reaction along with resulting products.

Thanks anyway,

Ok, spent about 10 hours on it last night & made the update. Now it has the AR Calc, a molar HNO3 calc (from NaNO3 or KNO3 + H2SO4), added in live gold spot prices (for future costs calculation), a Karat calculator (of any weight), and started working on some Wastes calculations, which are not balanced & needs work.

the wastes tab is the only non-100% working section. for some reason i cant get the grams --> dwt --> grams conversion working. which is strange because it is no different than the troy ounces --> grams --> troy ounces math. ( myGrams * TroyGrams works, but not myGrams * dwt ) weird. So i was forced to leave Pennyweight out. Sorry.

but here it is. i too have plans on making it calculate everything, including every cost & every reaction. Until then, enjoy the basic version (and Src code) found on my web page ( ). Direct Link:
Noxx said:
IGutYa, I can host it on the forums' server if you want...

seems my webserver didnt like me hosting an archive copy of teamspeak 2 on it. as you cannot get it from anymore & 3 dont work on a 2 server.... blah.

id be glad to email a copy to you. i think im going to remove the waste tab for now as it is incorrect & have an update for the hno3 calc & have fixed the dwt problem.

ive been rather busy on the formal copy of it, which currently obtains spot prices from (done), calculates all costs including profit (based on live spot prices) and chemicals. (partially done), wastes & byproducts including disposal methods (waiting for flinn), plus everything in the copy im giving away.

im using "Flinn: Chemical & Biological Catalog Reference Manual 2001" for all the wastes & disposal. im also digesting "Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture", as i have no formal training, yet, and would like things to be "correct" =) im considering throwing in the ability to do custom equations as i have a nice db of the periodic table with density, melt & boil, etc. that i would love to incorporate. just depends on how much extra work it turns out to being. as a minimum an equation balance r would be in order.

i still have a lot of work cut out for me on that one. but that is what i do.

Sorry for the issues with my webserver. PM me your email and ill get it to ya.



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