Au from AP ?

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2011
Au from AP solution ?'s Recently, I have done some AP fingers. I had a real yellow tint in the beginning and that means some of the gold was absorbed into my AP solution. Do I just drop SMB directly into it, or is there a another process. I tried searching the forums for this with no luck.

I will not I am referring to after I clean the debris and have a good clean AP saturated solution.

Lazersteve has some videos on his site that show the finger process. Here is a link to his site:
Did you measure the amounts of the ingredients you used?
just reuse the acid peroxide solution on more foils, the copper wil push gold from solution as brown powders, try and limit your usage of peroxide next time.
yeah i measured the ingredients. 2 part acid 1 part peroxide then just a little more once it got fuming. The video is why I was asking actually he was talking in the video about the gold tint and how he will have to precipitate it out. That was my question how he gets it out. But I will just reuse it. I thought that there might be some gold left once I got my foils that was still in the AP liquid.
Thanks for the responses.

A gold tint to your solution is just a indicator of possible dissolved gold, not a guarantee. The proper test for dissolved gold is stannous chloride or ferrous sulfate.

If you have dissolved gold with your AP simply continue to dissolve more copper based scrap as stated above to saturate the solution and force the gold out.

Search the forum for my posts: 'Acid peroxide Help' and 'Acid Peroxide Info' without quotes for more details.

I re-used my AP solution it was a yellowish-green tint I dropped in the same amount of fingers as last time added a little Peroxide 1/2 cups 1/3 I did last time.
I am not getting the smokey fumes like last time is it still going to work the same or should I add more muriatic acid to it? It doesn't seem to be getting and more yellow or green.


I searched like you said lasersteve and I dint see anything about re-using the solution and if there would be any chemical reaction signs.

Try these links.
In Lazersteve's signiture line you will find the following: "Find anything on the Forum FAST!!!---> Click Here". When you find that, click where it says "Click Here". That will take you to a search for the forum. You can find most anything on here with that. :|
Thanks, But I see a mistake I have made already I did not bubble air through the solution. I currently dont have a bubble. should I just let it sit until I can get one and install it on the bucket. Or should I take the fingers out of the solution.


  • ap.JPG
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I see the handle on your pail is already rusting.
Any tools or metal objects close by will also look the same soon. 8)
Alright so I have re-used my Ap solution it was a very transperant green yellow color where I could see the bottom I just put in about 600grams of close cut fingers and within 4 hours it is black/green cant see passed the surface. I do not use a bubblier yet I just OCD agitated by picking my inner bucket up about 2 feet inside the bucket and letting the fluid make small water falls. If I do have to install a bubblier how would you go about it when your in the middle of this also if my solution does become saturated can I add more fluid to complete then after filtering drop the copper out of it?

Sorry so many questions in one post I tend to do that.

Best Regards,
I just found the answer to my how to install bubble maker during process question. I believe this will solve most my problems.

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