Auric Chloride is possibly too diluted now?

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
I thought i had my ducks in a row... I was attempting to filter my Auric Chloride and it did no get filtered properly. I will re filter it properly tomorrow, but i think it will end up too diluted by the end of that process.

I started with 90ml of AR, and diluted it with 360ml of water to filter. After spraying the filtering rig down, i ended up with just under 500ml of solution. There should be around 18 grams of gold in it.

When I finish filtering tomorrow, I will most likely end up with 550ml of solution. Will I need to evaporate my Auric Chloride down some before i try to drop the gold? How much?
I believe Hoke said to dilute it three to five times with water, and that some jewelers diluted it up to ten times the original volume. You're just a little over the five times.

Why did you need to filter instead of decant?
eeTHr said:
Why did you need to filter instead of decant?

Well...I don't know really know. :oops:

I used a few drops of sulfuric to drop any lead (i did see some very fine white powder), and there was some sediment left after the digestion.

If i decant, i would need to let it settle longer?
Did you evaporate several times (HCl additions)to denoxx solution, before dilution? If not you will now have alot of volume to remove nitric from.

Usually letting settle overnight will let silver and lead chloride settle to bottom.
I will decant and filter solution, after most filtered then pour silver chloride into filter, washig jar with squirt bottle.

I would not worry about being too dilute.
butcher said:
I would not worry about being too dilute.

butcher's right. You could dilute your solution with a gallon of water and the gold would still drop. It would just take longer to settle. As long as you thouroughly mix in your SMB (or whatever you're using) it will drop. A good filtration is your main objective right now. Make sure to show us what you come up with after your drop 8)

Filtering the Au solution is recommended.

But I always decant if the sediment is the metalic Au. If the decanted solution contains other values, and usually does, then just rinse the sediment by adding a little water and decant that rinse water into the solution container, about three times. You would want to rinse it anyway.

I hate having to deal with the small particles of gold that always get stuck in the filters, and there is usually no need for it.

I had a knee-jerk reaction when you mentioned filtering. Sorry, I didn't compute that it was the Au solution! I hate filters! (But there are a few specific instances where they are required, even though the values are solids, if they are in suspension and won't settle, or you are in a hurry.)

P.S. I hate filters! I know, I said that already. 8)
Well...I guess its time to put up or shut up! :)

I split my Auric Chloride up between two beakers because one was too full to work with. I used SMB to drop the gold.
The clearer one on the left is the half I poured off of the top of the full beaker, and it settled very quickly compared to the other one. The one on the right has cleared up a good bit since i took the picture.

First Drop1.JPG
First Drop2.JPG

I will have to finish up everything when i get some free time...could be a while. LoL
I may run the powder through AR again depending on the comments i receive.

I Thank everyone for the continued assistance you give so freely everyday.
This forum is truly one of a kind.

I read here almost every day, for quite a long time now...I am very thick, so it takes lots of time for things to sink in. :lol:
By the color of the solutions it looks like you got a complete drop. Also, it looks like your estimate of 18 grams is accurate. Might even be more. The scary liquid phase of the refining is over now. All your gold is there in front of you in a quantifiable form. Good job.
I finally had the time to finish the cleaning & drying process...My first gold powder. 8)


  • cleaned & dried.jpg
    cleaned & dried.jpg
    18.2 KB
Nice job Oldgeek. It is a thrill when you get to roll the powder around in a beaker and play with it a bit before melting.

Lasersteve has a good melting video on his site if you need a tutorial for that.
glondor said:
Nice job Oldgeek. It is a thrill when you get to roll the powder around in a beaker and play with it a bit before melting.

Lasersteve has a good melting video on his site if you need a tutorial for that.

Thank You. It is quite satisfying to finally have something to show for all the effort.

The weight of the powder is 17.75 grams which is pretty close to the 18 grams i started with.
If i am careful with the melt, i should end up with the same weight i started with?
butcher said:
I like that light brown, when can we see it shine.

I have to get some more melting dishes first...I melted the inquart alloy in my last clean one for some stupid reason. :lol:

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