auric chloride

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
Newmarket, Ontario
I haven't gotten this far yet but I wanted to ask a question before I forgot about it. Is there a way to condense (for lack of a better word) auric chloride solutions? What I'm planning on doing is once I know that all base metals are not present in my final solution. I would like to combine all AuCl from multiple batches into one container to drop at a later date. That way I only have to drop once. If this makes sense. Because I'm going to be limited on storage containers I would like to combine the final results. I'm guessing that there should be a way to some what reduce the volume of liquid that is in the final container. I'm just not sure of what I would need to do to achieve my end result (before the drop). I look forward to hearing (seeing) some comments on this. Thank you

If it is due to lack of space or containers why not to drop gold and save gold as powder? Another thing is that something may accumulate in stockpot as time goes by...
I have to agree with “patnor1011” on this. I do a lot of small batches and smaller experiments on different kinds of materials, mostly from e-scrap.

If you’re doing e-scrap, one thing I’ve learned is you will have some kind of contamination in your final solution. I have also learned it’s much easier to deal with a smaller contaminated batch to get your gold dropped verses dealing with larger amounts. Also, I would never want to combine any batches together. You would run the risk of adding different contaminants to the original making it that much more difficult to drop you’re gold.

After the gold is dropped and settled, I siphon off the excess liquid and rinse the power into a separate beaker. I keep a watchglass on it to keep dirt out of my powder. I just keep adding to the pile until I feel I have enough to work with. Then I do my wash cycles and perform a second refining.

Thank you Mike and Patnor. That was kind of what the suggestions would run but I figured what the hell I'd ask anyways. After you drop your gold and siphon from the liquid from the powders, is there anything that should be done to dry out the powder before putting into a container to "sit". I know from watching Steve's videos that any filters that you use should be tossed to a "scrap" bin to be incinerated for values later, but I can't remember about drying the powders. Thanks again guys, much appreciated.

Condensing gold chloride solutions is called *evaporating*.

It's not a good idea if you intend to store the concentrated solution(s).
What you eliminate is water, leaving behind concentrated acids. They rust the hell out of everything in the vicinity. You're better off to store the precipitated gold.

On that subject, don't dry it. Store it wet, in a beaker, covered with water and a watch glass.


Same as storing concentrated solutions. Once the water evaporates from the gold powder, acid fumes emanate---and rust everything in range. Keep the powder wet with water and that won't happen. Keep the container covered with a watch glass and garbage won't fall in.

Thank you Harold that was very informative and I'll keep that in mind for the future. I'm still in the collecting phase of my operation. Every time I think of something if I don't ask I tend to forget. Thanks everyone who answered.
