black chips from cellphones

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
i need to shred 3kilos a week of those small black flatpacks from cellphones boards--
up to now i used to incinerate these chips with coal and alcool gel(1kilo at the time),but although no visible smoke ,neighbours are complaining of smell and smoke--i saw a corn shredder(very much alike those meat grinders) and thought of using it---did anyone use a corn shredder for this work?
before incinerating i used to break these chips with a hammer,it worked but it took a long time of hammerring----these chips yealds over 6grams per kilo and 12kilos a month yealds 2,5 to 3ounces of gold monthly--thanks for any help and sugestions--please ,cheap and simple solutions
thanks again
i am dismantling the few old cellphones i have and have trimming plated sections of boards for AP recovery but i am also daving everything else until i know for sure what they are.
I know you're busy, but could you please post a photo or two of the chips you're processing to help my (and maybe others') identification of PM containing components?
i saw a corn shredder(very much alike those meat grinders) and thought of using it---did anyone use a corn shredder for this work?

I know where one is but the owner isn't ready to sell it yet. :x

It's much like this one that is for sale.

I wouldn't run any ceramics in it but it should eat plastic well enough.
arthur kierski said:
these chips yealds over 6grams per kilo and 12kilos a month yealds 2,5 to 3ounces of gold monthly--thanks for any help and sugestions--please ,cheap and simple solutions
thanks again
what kind of cellphone has flatpack chips that yields 6gr/kg? can you post a pic of it? I have around 1kg of cellphone flatpacks right now from 8kg of cellphone board scrap. What process do you use for processing the flatpacks? HCL-CL or AR?

Thanks b4,
to all, i do not have a camera to makes fotos of the black chips------
to obtain pms from cellphones,i use many methods----example:flatpacks=ar and hcl clorox,----clean boards = gold stripper(low yeald of gold --the mixture of metallics (solder,smd, etc)= first hcl to eliminate tin and boiling water to eliminate lead chloride and then hno3 to obtain pd and ag ---and lastly ar to obtain gold and pt if still present---adding these methods and intense work to dismantle the boards(free of all components)--------by the way:to obtain 1kilo of black chips i need almost 20kilos
of cellphone boards and not 8kilos as mentioned in one of the threads---
20kilos of cellphone boards to obtain 1kilo of black chips=700cellphones(average)--i cannot enter in details of each method because each member of this great forum have personal ways to treat these questions
regards to all
Arthur Kierski
thanks for the info. the "gold stripper"- is that a board etching solution to dissolve the copper from beneath the plating?
If I was to process these chips I would look in some second hand stores or op shops for a cheap food processor the type with the solid stainless steel blade.
I hato ve about 80lbs of ram that I have clipped the gold fingers off of. I have used my graden chipper/schedder to remove the flat packs form the memory boards and at the same time it breks up most of the flat packs. I don't lose any since I use the bag that came with the chipper to catch everything. It takes a little sorting to get the remains of the boards out but it is still very quick.

I hope you are refering too flat packs when you say black chips. I have a bunch of those off of cell phones also.

Have got any ag, or pd out of your process?

Bob Noble
qst42know said:
i saw a corn shredder(very much alike those meat grinders) and thought of using it---did anyone use a corn shredder for this work?

I know where one is but the owner isn't ready to sell it yet. :x

It's much like this one that is for sale.

I wouldn't run any ceramics in it but it should eat plastic well enough.

That type of grinder is nearly the same as the advertised in Action Mining catalog (as mentioned by someone else in a previous post). in fact, all these type grinders work on the same principle, namely, an augur feed and various size outlet holes. by switching plates you could even roughly garde your stock.

i found mine (which i use for FOOD) at a garage sale for $5. the one in above ebay auction i WOULD NOT use - the sellers painted before sale, i would imagine the paint would contaminate the mix. (Harold - do we incinerate then?)

But I do like the crank/pulley setup. Some of these were set up to run off of a small motor, or even off of the PTO (Power Take Off) of a tractor. It appears that the manufacturer attached this over-sized pulley and put a "necker knob" on it. i don't know the correct term, but they are installed on steering wheels, they rotate seperately, allowing you to drive one-handed (thus the "necker" reference) or to turn a much larger wheel with ease. The old semi tractor trailer rigs had them as they had GIANT wheels, at least to me.
dtectr said:
i found mine (which i use for FOOD) at a garage sale for $5. the one in above ebay auction i WOULD NOT use - the sellers painted before sale, i would imagine the paint would contaminate the mix. (Harold - do we incinerate then?)
Assuming paint would present a problem, yes, incineration would solve the riddle----but it's possible it wouldn't be troublesome. I would hesitate to recommend incineration in this instance unless one has a means to deal with the potential hazardous smoke form plastics that are sure to be a part of the material.

i found mine (which i use for FOOD) at a garage sale for $5. the one in above ebay auction i WOULD NOT use - the sellers painted before sale, i would imagine the paint would contaminate the mix. (Harold - do we incinerate then?)

This is a large device made for cracking dried corn to feed livestock not a meat grinder with a perforated plate. Inside should be much like a huge pepper mill with fixed teeth in proximity to rotating teeth.

Actually a poorly done re-paint just destroyed it's collector value and it will likely go for far less than one with original paint. (it did end for less than half of what an original paint unit goes for). If you think the paint will be a problem for breaking chips it can be removed.
As far as motorizing one of these I suspect these are a simple shaft in a bore with no special bearing. Rather than buying one with a pulley that may be severely worn buy one with a hand crank and convert it yourself that way you get the full use of it's lifespan. :mrgreen:

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