Building scrubber

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This will work only if the fan is able to create strong enough suction.
The best solution for you I think, will be a vacuum system by water-jet venturi and a slight suction in the hood.
That can be scrubbed by misting in a 200L plastic barrel or similar.
Would this 2 to 4" pvc be enough of a cone or is it too short. Maybe 2 of these with a short 2" pipe between with longer 4" pipes


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This will work only if the fan is able to create strong enough suction.
The best solution for you I think, will be a vacuum system by water-jet venturi and a slight suction in the hood.
That can be scrubbed by misting in a 200L plastic barrel or similar.
This is a quick sketch using pvc and the tube tote I was planning with the fan exhaust. Injection nozzle to increase the pressure spray from 400gph sump.

OK tell me if I have a clear idea of function or not and the pitfalls to this idea of a build.

If tou would be so kind I mean. Please.


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I have been researching principles of a venturi system. I consider myself a fair mygyver type. But I am at a lost on how I can make the venturi shell as well as what the flow of solution injection should be and if this 400gph pump I got be enough? Any way you could point me in the right direction. Prior post of another members ideas I can play off of or something like that.
I want to see if I can still use most of the things I have gotten for the scrubber I was intent on building. But if I'm gonna make a switch better do it before I even start any construction.
Maybe I was a bit unclear.
The e-ductor system to create vacuum by water flow is also a Venturi system.
This is a quick sketch using pvc and the tube tote I was planning with the fan exhaust. Injection nozzle to increase the pressure spray from 400gph sump.

OK tell me if I have a clear idea of function or not and the pitfalls to this idea of a build.

If tou would be so kind I mean. Please.
This drawing do not make sense to me.
Maybe I was a bit unclear.
The e-ductor system to create vacuum by water flow is also a Venturi system.
A Venturi and an eductor are both devices that utilize fluid dynamics to create a specific effect, but they operate on slightly different principles and are used for different applications.
  1. Venturi: The Venturi effect refers to the reduction in fluid pressure that occurs when a fluid flows through a constricted section of pipe. A Venturi tube is a specific device that demonstrates this principle—it has a wide entrance, a narrow throat, and then a wider exit. As fluid speeds up through the narrow part, its pressure drops, allowing for applications like fluid mixing, measuring flow rates, or even drawing in additional fluids.
  2. Eductor: An eductor, also known as a jet pump or jet mixer, is a device that uses the principle of the Venturi effect to entrain or mix a secondary fluid (typically a liquid or vapor) into a primary fluid stream. It has a similar structure to a Venturi but typically includes a nozzle that ejects the primary fluid, which creates a vacuum that draws in the secondary fluid. Eductors are commonly used for mixing chemicals, vacuum applications, and transporting solids or liquids.
In summary, while both devices utilize the principles of fluid dynamics and pressure changes, a Venturi typically measures or manages flow and pressure, while an eductor is designed for mixing and moving fluids.

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