Hi,Purchased silver nitrate crystals, dissolved im distilled water. Filtered. Solution was cloudy. Refiltered, same result. Proceeded anyhow.
I used the sugar lye method for this process.
Yes I added some salt to precipitate the chloride, when it settled, I decanted the liquid, gave it multiple cold distilled water washes. Then added cold water ( dont know if this was right or wrong ) and started adding NaOH. That was the point where I saw the chloride coverting into a very fine ' OXIDE POWDER'. Fine enough to make my conversion observation somewhat tough. Moreover, I added sugar to it and could see the reaction following through. I guess my only tell was this mirror effect.
So here I am, stuck with a mirror on the bottom of my beaker. Any methods to remove and recover?
Dont want to interfere with your processes or methods, but if you had silver nitrate crystals, and you have dissolved it in distilled water, wouldn`t be the easiest way to recover and refine the silver, a copper pipe and a silver cell?
I think you overcomplicated simple things.