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I am going to suspend what I said about not responding to you. Like you said, I don't know you and have no intention of ever knowing you. That doesn't change the fact that I am concerned with your well being. You see, I know what this stuff can do to your health. There are a few things that is very apparent. You do not know enough about this subject to be trying to refine. You do not know enough about this subject to talk about it coherently. you do not know enough about this subject to ask informed questions. You do not know enough about this subject to understand the answers. This is not an attack nor is it an insult, just a fact. Ignorance of a subject does not make one stupid, just ignorant. From your username, I assume you are 29 years old. That should mean that your are old enough to tell a question from a statement. I never called you a troll, I asked if you were one. For you, this forum is just a place and the people here is just faceless, nameless people at a keyboard. To me it is home and the people here is my family. The members who have spoken up for me did not do it out of any special consideration (thank you guys), if I were wrong, I would be told quickly to mend my ways. I don't feel you owe me an apology because there's nothing you can say that would offend me but that's not my call. I studied on this forum for over a year before I tried to truly refine but I do understand being impatient. I am a staunch believer in tolerance of new members. That tolerance is short lived if the new member refuses to try and learn for themselves. When you were first told to read Hoke's book (which is a free download from the forum) you made a joke about it. That's okay if you think you can refine without it, which you obviously can't. Where you see me attacking you, I see me being concerned about your health and trying to guide you in the right direction. Sometimes I am gruff and can't phrase my thoughts as well as I should and for that I apologize. If you want to learn how to refine, you should stop trying to refine and start reading. Stop being impatient and study. I have been in some form of gold recovery and refining for about as long as you have been alive. I can only hope that some day you will do something that will surprise me and actually learn how to refine.
Upon melting the solution I got 3.4 grams of gold, not a lot compared to how much glass was present.

Start learning what the word "solution" means:

There is no such thing as "gold dissolved in SiO2"!

As a colloid it has been used to give glass purple color. Read "colloid":

If you can see the golden flakes in that glass, it is no solution, but it is just gold molten into glas.

The last one is the only case, that makes any sense. You may not be a troll, but by refusing to learn, persistently using wrong terms and talking inadequately to helpful, earned and respected members, you ARE in fact functionally trolling!
Hi all, I've just come across this vase online with gold inlaid and it reminded me of this thread, is this the kind of material that you were alluding too Yusuf?

Purely out if interest,

Kuma, that's exactly how it looked like. I think that it's the fact that everyone thought it was purple gold which stated as Cassius or purple of cassius.
Geo, I take your apology sincerely. I had a friend who had aspergers who took an online class and eventually got kicked out, nicest guy ever but the disorder keeps him from having any type of emotions. His criticisms were to the point and eventually insulted the professor, the basic notion that we type somethings and send it out is a bit puzzling because there really is no tone. I appreciate your experience and I could totally understand where you're coming from, my brother is a pharmacist and witnessed a building fire while in school because of some student forgetting to remember that nitrates are really not friendly towards organic materials. So, thanks again and no I have no intentions of developing isotopes of cesium :lol: lol
I thought as much, it was the first time I'd seen anything like it, but like I say, it reminded me of this thread and it seemed to make sense,

Chris :)

Edit to add, I knew exactly what Geo was referring to when he mentioned 'beer bottles', I remember that giggle, I mean thread, well, :lol:

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