I would like to tell you my point of view about this.
If someone ask "Will price of gold go up"? It probably (for me surely) means some studies about economy should be done.
Gold is a "finished" and "unchangeble" quantity in the world (extracted + unextracted). His value is absolutely and mathematic a "sure" and "fixed" value, ever.
It's not Gold changing his value, but the rest acquiring or losing his value (i mean, in this case, your "green" paper).
Paper we call "money" is not a fixed value, but it depends only from 2 factors (Actually):
1) Quantity of existing paper pro-people
2) How much people belive in the paper worthing
Now considerations about those 2 points...
1) US GOV & FED as you probably know, are inflating 3 TRILLIONS dollars just in this months (Dunno if you can compare it with your actually complete monetary mass

). Those will be a gift to banks and other institutes 'cose the crisis.... But you know this. Banks will use the leverage system to spread new credits, and most part of those 3 trillions will be higly incresed in the economy. This is called STRONG INFLACTION. (items more expensive are an inflaction consecutio, non the proper "inflaction"). It happens when this new paper arrives in the real people-economy. More paper to buy same quantity items (and services) = more bids = higher prices. Problem here is who benefit of this system is only who can use this new paper at first. He can buy with new money at old prices. In other words it means some one is stealing from your back some value of your money, and you can do nothing to stop it.
2) I know for someone can sound incredible, but YES, paper is worthing just beacause some one say "IT WORTHS what i wrote" and some others belive in it.
and last and i hope clarefully thing i think can help to understand sense of this post:
With 1 gram of gold, you can buy 1Kg of meet. Same 1000 years ago in Europe, Same 500 years ago in US, same 100 years ago...
Now: Just think 1Kg of meet at today dollar price and only 50years ago.
Last personal consideration:
Gold (and other fixed sure really-few manipolable resources) is your friend. But it's one of the wrost enemy of states, central banks and economic powers of the world.
Be care, because gold in the economic world means "liberty", and belive me, this is not what someone want.