Can this be substituted for HCL ?

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Active member
May 2, 2012
Kingston, Jamaica
Hi All,

I usually use 30% HCL from Chemical Supply Co. but they are all out, went to the hardware and found the following, could it be used as a substitute ?


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That 2nd ingredient is probably an inhibitor which inhibits the attack on metals and cuts down on the fumes. Also, it doesn't list the percentage of HCl and I would expect it to be lower, maybe a lot lower, than normal muriatic. All in all, I wouldn't use it. Hardware stores, paint stores, pool supplies, etc., should carry muriatic acid which is normally about 31% HCl. Don't buy "safer" muriatic because it contains inhibitors.
Thanks for the info, I was planning on using it as a wash/boil for my precipitated gold. The powder is coming out of a Nitric wash. Its the second Nitric so it should be pretty clean gold, I kinda want to melt it up today, what do you think. I usually AR and drop with SMB, then boil in HCL and then melt. Any suggestions ?


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Why would you wash your powder with nitric? This will redissolve your gold and you will lose some.
This batch was of gold came from approx. 1200 grams of GF which i kinda didnt do properly to begin with. I incinerated GF, then with 50/50 Nitric,distill water, it looked like all the base metals had dissolved but on addition of HCL i could tell there was NOT full dissolution of base metals because the AR turned green, i decided to complete AR eventhough i knew i was dissolving base metals along with gold foils, I ended up with a very over pregnant solution and metals were dropping out all by themselves. so i figured i could filter the whole batch and then Nitric the powders to get rid of anything thats not gold, and the picture is wat i have left. i still have approx 15 litres of AR which i believe contain gold , i am currently trying to evap out free nitric in the AR, so that i can add SMB. I have created a lot of work for myself.
I hope you didn't throw that nitric water out. Use it for you next batch of ar. Never add nitric acid to something that contains or did contain a chloride. Some of you gold is in it! Test it with stannous chloride.

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