cats are they worth it? please tell me

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Apr 21, 2011
Ok here is the situation im in. the old man just picked up some property just outside the city we live near. On it are about 3500 cars trucks ect. He got the 50 acres for an amazing price. His view on it was sell the cars and trucks to a scrap yard for the steel. i have been looking into removing the precious metals from the cats but need to know much more before taking the time and spending the money to do it. From what i have read here the sub zero regia is not a scam but there is way cheaper and much more effective to do this.would anyone know the best way to strip the platinum from them? And is it worth it? how much platinum is in a new cat compared to an old used one? i realize that they are all different sizes and all that but does a newer vehicle contain more than an older one? is there a way to tell if one is better than another?does the odometer reading that the vehicle has travelled distinguish if the cat is worth more? i read here that hydrocloric acid and bleach heated to a simmer is a way to strip the precious metals is this accurate? I would appreciate any info on these questions and have alot more to ha ha. if anyone could please tell me these things i really will make his or her answers worth the time they spend answering my questions, if it even is worth the the time for me to me to do this would be my first question? thank you so much everyone.
My honest opinion?

Unless you are well equipped and have a firm understanding of the recovery and refining process, you may well be better off selling the cats instead of trying to process them.

Even if you are grandly successful in the venture, you'll come to understand that you can't do well when selling the platinum group of metals. If you're going to take a bath, it may as well be without jumping through the hoops involved in learning to process, and acquiring the necessary equipment.

Everything revolves around where your interest lies. If you want money, sell the cats. If you want to own platinum metals, pursuing extraction may be the best choice.

I'd sell them if they were mine.

WOW!! For a second there I thought this thread was going to be
about animals! I have two cats and I often wonder the same
thing many days! 8)
Harold_V said:
My honest opinion?

Unless you are well equipped and have a firm understanding of the recovery and refining process, you may well be better off selling the cats instead of trying to process them.

Even if you are grandly successful in the venture, you'll come to understand that you can't do well when selling the platinum group of metals. If you're going to take a bath, it may as well be without jumping through the hoops involved in learning to process, and acquiring the necessary equipment.

Everything revolves around where your interest lies. If you want money, sell the cats. If you want to own platinum metals, pursuing extraction may be the best choice.

I'd sell them if they were mine.

Ok well thanks for the info Harold. I have got into contact with some guys that will buy the concentrate if i strip them first.but for some reason they would not answer my question of how and what is the best solution for the stripping. I have many gallons of hydrocloric acid. Could you tell me what else is needed and a procedure on it please. My brother and i have been mining gold and smelting it for a number of years now so i do have some experience in that part of it. but platimum certainly is not gold and have no experience in this, thanks again
I'm with Harold on this, with 3500 cats available I'm sure you could get a good price from a dealer, we have several on the forum,get them to view the stock and ask for bids.
mfletch said:
Harold_V said:
My honest opinion?

Unless you are well equipped and have a firm understanding of the recovery and refining process, you may well be better off selling the cats instead of trying to process them.

Even if you are grandly successful in the venture, you'll come to understand that you can't do well when selling the platinum group of metals. If you're going to take a bath, it may as well be without jumping through the hoops involved in learning to process, and acquiring the necessary equipment.

Everything revolves around where your interest lies. If you want money, sell the cats. If you want to own platinum metals, pursuing extraction may be the best choice.

I'd sell them if they were mine.

Ok well thanks for the info Harold. I have got into contact with some guys that will buy the concentrate if i strip them first.but for some reason they would not answer my question of how and what is the best solution for the stripping. I have many gallons of hydrocloric acid. Could you tell me what else is needed and a procedure on it please. My brother and i have been mining gold and smelting it for a number of years now so i do have some experience in that part of it. but platimum certainly is not gold and have no experience in this, thanks again

Concentrate? Concentrate of what?
You will not be succesfull even with thousands of galons of whatever without knowledge. All is here in this forum but be prepared to spend few months reading, learning and doing tests. Refining is not simple like boiling eggs. There are procedures but if something will go south you better be prepared and know how to deal with obstacles and different processes. I suggest reading forum and doing some small scale tests. Dont think about using galons of acid.
mfletch said:
Could you tell me what else is needed and a procedure on it please.
I'd rather leave that to others that have experience. I played with some beads from a GM product way back in the late 80's and quickly came to realize that I was far better served sticking with what had worked for me so well---processing karat gold scrap from jewelers. As a result, I don't feel confident in anything I might say. I based my original response on the thoughts that lead me to ignore cats. I'd ignore them today if I was still refining. I truly believe that they are an entity all to themselves, and demand good and proper equipment in order to avoid losing the values. I'm not convinced that leaching is adequate. I'm also well convinced that selling the proceeds is a losing proposition. Only major refiners can deal with them, and they rarely do business with the small guy. You'd end up selling to a middle man. Might just as well do that with the cats without screwing with them.

i sell my cats from $20.00 for after market to over $100.00 . it depends on the make. if you have 3000 to 3500 cats thats a pile of money. shop around for best prices...Jim. :mrgreen:
I think the advise here is top notch. Certainly take the time to pull the cats and store them in a very secure place. You could have anywhere from 70 thousand to 400 thousand dollars worth of cats there. Are you sure they are not all gone already? There are some buyers here on the board who may be able to help you out. There is also several lists of cat prices and they do range from 20 bucks to 200 plus dollars each depending on the type and origin.

Do some looking here and you will find the answers you need. Dealing with that kind of money play your cards close to your vest, learn what you can and be extremely careful who you tell what you have and where it is.

They are not easy to refine in bulk. here is a catalog posted on this forum.

Here is the Platinum forum, lots of cat info here>>>

Here are two buyers. Do your due diligence.
Hope this helps.
Cheers to you for your good fortune. Handle it with care. Mike

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