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Gold Refining Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
im 16 and have just went through 6 computers and about 6 cellphones and a printer most of the material is gold plate cell phone boards and i got a couple of oz. of gold pins from the motherboards and cpus i pulled out all of the pins with pliers by hand and heated the pins off the cpus
how should i go about processing all of this
also im an extremely smart kid and take honors chemistry so i understand all of the lingo jusst need to be kinda guided and taught
teenscrapper16 said:
im 16 and have just went through 6 computers and about 6 cellphones and a printer most of the material is gold plate cell phone boards and i got a couple of oz. of gold pins from the motherboards and cpus i pulled out all of the pins with pliers by hand and heated the pins off the cpus
how should i go about processing all of this

You really need to spend some time studying this forum. Save up more material while you do that and you will be ahead of the game.

exactly what im doing just looking to start a forum or actually a discussion ive actually been studying through youtube videos and all over the internet including th chemistry work for about a month already
what i meant to say is how should i process these materials and what are the basics im just like yall guys im ahead of all of thosed guys that think ooh i can get it instantly im saving up till i get atleast 5 or more lbs of material i scrap steel and aliuminum copper everything even convinced the grandpa to let me scrap the plastic
you misunderstood me i meant i dont look to process anytime soon i was just saying thats how much ive collected already
teenscrapper16 said:
you misunderstood me i meant i dont look to process anytime soon i was just saying thats how much ive collected already

So why are you asking how to process this?

I suggested you need to study the forum for a reason. People aren't going to hold your hand through all this. It is all on the forum already. Try to ignore all your Youtube knowledge until you verify it here.

i wanted to start a friendly discussion into how each individual preferred to do his method and what their little tips and tricks are im just trying to make a few buddies and pass the time kinda like a talk around the campfire thing
im more of asking how to process the scrap into sections like what should i sperate or classify into different sections like what would you start classifying special items or whatever
teenscrapper16 said:
i wanted to start a friendly discussion into how each individual preferred to do his method and what their little tips and tricks are im just trying to make a few buddies and pass the time kinda like a talk around the campfire thing

Well, maybe someone will oblige you. Meanwhile I suggest studying the forum. You will learn more that way. You will get answers to questions you didn't know you had yet. That is just the way it works around here.

i understand just wanted to strike up a conversation im just trying to talk the talk before i walk the walk and i wanna talk the talk alot before i even consider walking i have done intensive searching on this forum ive been looking steadily for hours actually and i didnt mean to tick a nerve i just wanted a conversation kinda nervous actually talking to yall guys i really respect yall
teenscrapper16 said:
i understand just wanted to strike up a conversation im just trying to talk the talk before i walk the walk and i wanna talk the talk alot before i even consider walking i have done intensive searching on this forum ive been looking steadily for hours actually and i didnt mean to tick a nerve i just wanted a conversation kinda nervous actually talking to yall guys i really respect yall

You didn't hit a nerve with me. I am just telling you how it is if you really want to learn. The ones you will learn from have already laid it all out on this forum. And they may not check this forum regularly any more. If you just want to have a conversation with someone here, well you may not get the right person to be teaching you. I studied this forum for a very long time before I tried any actual refining. Lazer Steve's videos were actually a very big help. There is a tip, in case you haven't watched Steve's videos yet.

teenscrapper16 said:
gotcha i didnt know about any of that i havent uncached the surface of all of this thanks

Still no punctuation, I really don't think you got it.
In all you have typed here so far, here is your total punctuation: "oz."

The guy's that can help you, may not even bother reading your posts, if that doesn't change.

teenscrapper16 said:
its gonna be months before i do anything other than collect and classify

Also have you read Hoke's book yet?
If not, what are you waiting for?


teenscrapper16 said:
im 16 and have just went through 6 computers and about 6 cellphones and a printer most of the material is gold plate cell phone boards and i got a couple of oz. of gold pins from the motherboards and cpus i pulled out all of the pins with pliers by hand and heated the pins off the cpus
how should i go about processing all of this
Pay close attention. If not, you may get ignored forever or even banned.

No# 1. I'm almost sure the information here shouldn't be shared with you because you're a minor.

No# 2. You went through 6 computers and 6 cellphones? Are you saying you're that destructive?

No# 3. You did NOT get a few oz of pins out of 6 computers... Period. and even if you added 6 cell phones to the mix. Maybe a few grams. Recheck your scale(s).

No# 4. You need need to respect what's said to you to help you out instead of you being sarcastic back to those that help others, and even willing to help you.

Since my youngest child is 25 years of age, I'm just going to say this much... respect the members here and stop replying back with stupid remarks.

You want help? Show pictures of what you have and what you want to do. Foremost, read "Hoke's Book". You'll learn something that you never knew. Trust me on this one.

Don't give anyone a hard time here. We're all here to help one another and you're making a bad impression on yourself already.


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