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Welcome to the forum. As already mentioned, the first thing you need to do is download C.M Hokes' book, Refining Precious Metal Waste. Read her book entirely. Once you understand her concepts, then start conversations here, on the forum. As Jim said, use the proper grammar when typing. If you want to say "I have....." say it as I have or I've. Use the proper punctuation that would make your English teacher proud. There are members here on our forum that English is their second language, yet speak/type it better than you. To be taken seriously, you must act serious. Spend your time reading Hokes' book, then explore the information throughout this forum. Afterwards, study the MSDS sheets on the chemicals you read about BEFORE you touch them. I trust your parents know what you are doing as well.


You have a great opportunity here on this forum, welcome, there is so much to learn, you can learn a trade and you really would not have to deal with any acids, you can learn the value of these metals, learn where you can find them sometimes for free, you can learn to process them for higher value, and you would not need to mess with acid to do this, you can cut memory fingers, pull chips, and pins, collecting material and mechanically processing it, you could even sell this material sometimes for more money than the material would contain in gold, with the dollars you earned you could then find higher grade scrap (like gold or silver jewelry at yard sales...),or buy yourself silver rounds, or other higher value scrap, you never know you may find some cheap sterling at the second hand store some worker missed, (I have found a few pieces that way), from the forum you could learn testing of silver and karat gold (which would deal with drops of dangerous acids), the forum would be like learning the science and chemistry of precious metals, if you are really interested in learning and are truly interested in metals, you have found a great place to study and learn, the information here on this subject is like exploring a gold mine, one that can give you an education in something that could very well be important to your future, with gold I also learn some about history, and where I live now gold mining was a big part of the history of this area.

I do not know if you have gold in the river where you live where you can go out and pan some gold, here you can get a tiny bit that way.

Take heed to the advice these guys are giving you, they are trying to point you in a good direction to get started, this is a very complicated subject, there is so much to it, but that is also what makes it so great, this forum was started by a man who was also young, he had a desire to learn, and learn he did, he has his own gold refining business now.

Welcome to the forum, spend time studying here if you are interested, by doing so you will learn this language we speak, and then you will also find it easier to speak our language (we all talk kind of funny), but we use spell check and try our best to get the punctuation right. :lol:

Teenscrapper16, my friend these study's will just make you a better scrapper.

I think it is great that a young man, as yourself, is interested in this craft. It beats the heck out of Playstation and XBOX. This craft can turn out to be a hobby, or you can make it a business and work for yourself. To be successful, you must possess a few things. 1.) Have patience. Don't rush your studies on this forum. There is A LOT of information to learn here. Take your time, so that you can be confident you understand the principles. 2.) Respect the chemicals you work with. 100% of the chemicals you work with have the potential to seriously hurt you, or even worse, kill you. There is a chemical some of our members use in refining that if you take a good breath of, can kill you practically instantly. However, if you understand the dangers of the chemicals, respect them, understand how to handle and dispose of them, you can be successful. NEVER CUT CORNERS WHEN IT COMES TO SAFETY. If it takes you a few minutes longer to put gloves, a mask, respirator, etc., on then do it. All the gold, silver and money is useless to you if you are dead...especially if you died a fool for being careless. People will remember your stupidity and ignorance and tell stories of what not to do instead of telling stories about how professional and precise you were at refining. There are many more pointers I can give you; however, I think you are getting the picture. Study, study, study first. Be safe always.


I would like to add that what you're doing now, I'd bet no one you know, especially your friends even know about it, or even pursuing it. You have the world in your hands. Hold on tight and just don't let go. Keep at it and do it with respect and safety first.

However, because of your age, here are a few things you should consider doing and things you shouldn't do:

No#1. DO NOT go around telling your friends what you're doing. Get yourself established and see after that if there are people you know that are doing it and have actually refined.

No# 2. Once you refine something (gold, silver.. etc..) DO NOT go around telling or showing off to your friends. The generation of children now will kill, or try to kill you. At the very least, they'll try to set you up to be robbed or killed. Believe me, and I know you know it, people will kill for precious metals.

No# 3. Talk to your parents and your siblings (if you have any) and make them aware of the potential dangers of telling others about this. At your age, someone will try you. Let your parents know how you're doing, and what you plan to do as your next step. You may even have some of them helping you depopulate materials.

No# 4. DO NOT show your lab or work station to others. If you do, do like I've done when people ask what I'm doing... tell the that you're taking an online course in "Criminal Justice" and Crime Scene Investigations" and you're in your 2nd semester learning to test for certain things like blood or just make up something. Trust me, once they know that, they'll back off. What else are they going to believe?

Keep studying this forum and collecting material and before you know it, you're going to have so much to work with, you may not know which one you're going to want to start with.

Welcome to the forum.

testerman said:

I would like to add that what you're doing now, I'd bet no one you know, especially your friends even know about it, or even pursuing it. You have the world in your hands. Hold on tight and just don't let go. Keep at it and do it with respect and safety first.

However, because of your age, here are a few things you should consider doing and things you shouldn't do:

No#1. DO NOT go around telling your friends what you're doing. Get yourself established and see after that if there are people you know that are doing it and have actually refined.

No# 2. Once you refine something (gold, silver.. etc..) DO NOT go around telling or showing off to your friends. The generation of children now will kill, or try to kill you. At the very least, they'll try to set you up to be robbed or killed. Believe me, and I know you know it, people will kill for precious metals.

No# 3. Talk to your parents and your siblings (if you have any) and make them aware of the potential dangers of telling others about this. At your age, someone will try you. Let your parents know how you're doing, and what you plan to do as your next step. You may even have some of them helping you depopulate materials.

No# 4. DO NOT show your lab or work station to others. If you do, do like I've done when people ask what I'm doing... tell the that you're taking an online course in "Criminal Justice" and Crime Scene Investigations" and you're in your 2nd semester learning to test for certain things like blood or just make up something. Trust me, once they know that, they'll back off. What else are they going to believe?

Keep studying this forum and collecting material and before you know it, you're going to have so much to work with, you may not know which one you're going to want to start with.

Welcome to the forum.


Thanks for the post those are good to know. I never thought about it but I will now.

Actually, that reply should have been said to everybody here doing refining, no matter the age.

Understood guys sorry about the grammar i had just got off work. Really wiped me out and by pins i meant ive gotten an oz. or two of indivifual pens from everything plenty of solder and everything left on. I have scrapped since i was 8 so if it had anything other than precious metals my grandpa has taught me. I annually scrap about 5 tons of steel with him sometimes more. I am an honor student and am a mechanic by trade. Im a country boy and dont mind taken a little ragging for my mistakes thanks for the responds and advice. As far as spelling i had a high school reading level and spelling in 2nd grade so i can really do better haha. I pan and sluice where i can and i respect the chemicals trust me as a curious young boy i have learned being stupid is stupid.
I did a recount on the material and i took apart 8 desktops and a laptop along with 10 phones and a large printer with wifi capabilities and i had something else i gound gold plating dont remember what it is.

Really wiped

What are you going to do when you get my age? Yesterday I had to cut my grass for the first time this and had chest pain and my wife told me when she got home I should have stop but someone had to do it. I'm over 4 times your age. I don't know about the kids today they don't even want to work at Wal-Mart they say it to hard I been there for over 13 years.

I am a handyman, i work on my pops(grandpas farm), i do landcaping, i buss tables at arestaurant, i also scrap metal, and have to take care of my hounds.
As do i sir. Haha so do you think i could remove the plating off of sterling silver plated spoons i have hundreds of them.
There have been several in depth discussions about stripping silver plate and as far as I know it's possible but there are no easy ways. The real problem is that the process that seems to work the best involves extremely dangerous acids at very high temperatures, 95% sulphuric and 60% nitric acids mixed with the ratio of 95/5, concentrated sulphuric even cold is nasty and hot extremely nasty and highly dangerous so good fume extraction is essential as are a face shield, proper lab gauntlets and acid proof overalls, personally even with those I'd rather find better materials to work with and avoid that potentially lethal mix of hot acids for a very small return. My advice put them on e bay and use any money to buy better scrap to work on and keep away from that hot sulphuric!
As you start to better understand exactly what's involved in recovering and refining precious metals I'm sure you will find better materials than silver plate to work with so get reading and studying while you collect more material, personally I feel it might be months before you will be ready to start any chemical processing and when you feel ready write out the process in full and then read what others have done using exactly that process to check you have it right. Please remember that many of the chemicals we use can be extremely toxic and even more so mixed and or hot so make sure you take heed of all the safety guidelines and work safely. There is much to learn but the good news is its all here and for free you just have to put the work in and you can be successful.
I wish you good luck and hope to hear of your future successes.

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